File #: 16-G-205    Version: Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Carried
File created: 8/30/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 9/19/2016 Final action: 9/19/2016
Title: APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - THE HEDBERN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION - 233 ARDAGH ROAD (WARD 6) 1. That the Official Plan Amendment application submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions, on behalf of The Hedbern Development Corporation, for lands known municipally as 233 Ardagh Road (Ward 6) be approved as follows (D09-OPA048): a) Amend Official Plan Schedule "A" - Land Use to redesignate the subject lands from Future Urban to Residential Area and Open Space; b) Amend the Ardagh Secondary Plan Schedule "A" - Land Use Plan to redesignate the subject lands from Environmental Protection Area to Residential Area and Open Space; and c) Amend the Ardagh Secondary Plan Schedule 2 - Land Use to redesignate the subject lands from Environmental Protection and Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and Open Space. 2. That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions, on behalf of the Hedbern Development Corpo...
Attachments: 1. PLN018-160912.pdf
Related files: TMP-19364, TMP-19324, 16-G-102, TMP-16313, 16-A-092, By-law 2016-104, By-law 2016-105




1.                     That the Official Plan Amendment application submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions, on behalf of The Hedbern Development Corporation, for lands known municipally as 233 Ardagh Road (Ward 6) be approved as follows (D09-OPA048):


a)                     Amend Official Plan Schedule “A” - Land Use to redesignate the subject lands from Future Urban to Residential Area and Open Space;


b)                     Amend the Ardagh Secondary Plan Schedule “A” - Land Use Plan to redesignate the subject lands from Environmental Protection Area to Residential Area and Open Space; and


c)                     Amend the Ardagh Secondary Plan Schedule 2 - Land Use to redesignate the subject lands from Environmental Protection and Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential and Open Space.


2.                     That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions, on behalf of the Hedbern Development Corporation, to rezone the lands known municipally as 233 Ardagh Road (Ward 6) from Agricultural (A) to Residential Multiple Dwelling Second Density with Special Provision (RM-2)(SP) and Open Space (OS) be approved (D14-1581).


3.                     That the following Special Provisions (SP) be referenced in the implementing Zoning By-law for the subject lands:


i)                     Permit a minimum density of 53 units per hectare;


ii)                     Permit a maximum density of 57 units per hectare;


iii)                     Permit a maximum building height of 14 metres for the 4-storey Apartment Dwellings, inclusive of any rooftop mechanical and/or terrace structures, whereas a maximum building height of 10 metres would be permitted;


iv)                     Permit a maximum building height of 12 metres (3-storeys) for the stacked townhouse units, whereas a maximum building height of 10 metres would be permitted;


v)                     Permit a minimum rear yard setback (south) of 17 metres, whereas 7 metres would be permitted;


vi)                     Permit a minimum side yard setback (east) of 17 metres, inclusive of a 12 metres preservation zone, whereas 1.8 metres would be permitted;


vii)                     Permit a minimum side yard setback (west) of 13 metres to the proposed stacked townhouse units, inclusive of an 8 metres preservation zone, whereas 1.8 metres would be permitted.


4.                     That pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further public notification is required prior to the passing of this by-law.


5.                     That the written and oral submissions received relating to this application, have been, on balance, taken into consideration as part of the deliberations and final decision related to the approval of the application as amended, including the following maters raised in those submissions and identified within Staff Report PLN018-16: the increased density, tree preservation/removal, traffic impacts, proposed tenure, school capacity, increased height, adverse impacts on property values, potential crime rate increases, parking, snow storage, drainage and stormwater management matters.  (PLN018-16) (File: D14-1581, D09-OPA048)


Councillor, P. Silveira declared a potential pecuniary interest on the foregoing matter as he leases property from a family member of the proponent. He did not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter. He left the Council Chamber.