The purpose of the Public Meeting is to review the applications for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by North American (Park Place) Development Corporation, for lands known municipally as 109 Park Place Boulevard.
Official Plan Amendment
The applicant proposes to amend the text of the Defined Policy Area ‘R’ designation in the Official Plan to permit residential uses at the location.
Zoning By-law Amendment
The applicant proposes to amend the zoning on the subject lands to add additional special provisions to the ‘General Commercial’ with Special Provisions (C4)(SP-304) zone to permit the development of two (2) mixed use buildings at heights ranging from 6 storeys to 16 storeys, with ground floor commercial and a total of 475 residential units.
Site Specific Standards/ Provisions(C4) (SP-304):
Required/Permitted Proposed
Permits Uses Only listed Commercial Add Text:
and Institutional uses Dwelling Unit(s) in
are permitted in the conjunction with the
Retail Village permitted commercial
and institutional uses
Parking Standards N/A for Residential Uses Add standard:
1 space per dwelling
Building Height Within the Retail Village, Add text:
a height limit of 16.0 … buildings used
metres shall apply for predominantly for
all buildings and residential uses, …
structures used for
retail store, restaurants,
entertainment, and
personal service uses
but not for hotels,
buildings used
predominantly for
office commercial
purposes, or
architectural features
that may include a
recreational component.
Uses Not Permitted Notwithstanding the Remove text:
within the Retail foregoing list of … a residential use…
Village permitted uses,
a tavern, an adult
entertainment parlour,
a freestanding
amusement arcade,
an automotive service
station, an automotive
sales and/or leasing
establishment, an
automotive repair
establishment and a
residential use shall
not be permitted.
Uses Not Permitted For lands not Remove text:
Outside the Retail comprising the Retail … a residential use…
Village Village, a tavern
an adult entertainment
parlour and a residential
use shall not be
Specific Development The following standards Add text:
Standards shall apply: The following standards
Lot Area - 450 m2 shall apply to
Lot Frontage - 15m non-residential
Front Yard - 6m development:
Side Yard - 3m
Side Yard Adjoining
Residential Zone - 6m
Side Yard Adjoining
Street - 6m
Rear Yard - 7m
Rear Yard Adjoining
Residential Zone - 10m
Rear Yard Adjoining
Street - 6m
Lot coverage - 50%
Presentation by a representative(s) of North American Park Place Corporation.
Presentation by Celeste Kitsemetry, Senior Planner, Development Services Department.