The purpose of the Public Meeting to review applications for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by The Jones Consulting Group, on behalf of Pioneer Family Pools Barrie Inc., for lands known municipally as 518, 520, 522 and 524 Tiffin Street, Barrie.
The subject lands are approximately 0.5 hectares in size with a total frontage of approximately 72.9 metres along Tiffin Street and are located south of Dunlop Street West, east of Miller Drive. The site currently consists of four (4) parcels, each having a lot area of approximately 0.12 hectares and a frontage of approximately 18 metres on Tiffin Street. The subject application will facilitate land use changes to permit the use of outdoor/indoor storage and warehousing.
Official Plan Amendment
The applicant is proposing to amend Schedule 'A' - Land Use in the Official Plan to change the designation of the subject lands from 'Environmental Protection Area' to 'General Industrial' to facilitate the future development as proposed.
Zoning By-law Amendment
The applicant is proposing to amend the zoning on the subject lands from 'Environmental Protection' to 'General Industrial with Special Provisions' (Gl)(SP-XXX) to permit the future development as proposed. Additionally, the applicant is proposing outdoor storage of sand, gravel, stone, or soil be included in the permitted uses for Industrial Zones.
The proposed site-specific zoning standards include:
Standard - Required Proposed
General Industrial
Zone - GI
Minimum Interior Side Yard 3 metres 0 metres
Minimum Rear Yard Setback 7 metres 0 metres
Standard Required Proposed
General Provisions and
General Standards
Section - Where any lot in an Permit a continuous
Continuous Landscape Industrial Zone abuts landscaped buffer
Buffer a lot in a Commercial, of 0 metres
Institutional, Open Space
or Environmental Protection
Zone, a continuous
landscaped buffer area
of a minimum width of
3 metres shall be provided
along the abutting lot line
of the lot.
Section Any outdoor storage use Permit outdoor
Setbacks or outdoor storage storage within
associated with any the front yard
other permitted use
shall maintain the same
setbacks as required
for the zone in which
it is permitted. No outdoor
storage use or outdoor
storage is permitted in
the front yard or the
minimum exterior side
yard of any lot.
Section Any permitted outdoor Continuous fence
Fencing storage or outdoor storage constructed along
use which adjoins a street the lot line around
or a lot in any zone other the perimeter of
than the zone in which the the site to screen
outdoor storage is located the outdoor storage
shall be screened from from view from
view from the street the street or lot
or lot through the
erection and maintenance
of a stone or masonry wall
or chain link fence and
appropriate landscaping
screen and no such
enclosure shall be less
than two (2) metres in
height. The fence shall
maintain the same setback
as required for the outdoor
storage. Where the
height of the outside
storage exceeds the
height of the fence,
coniferous planting shall
be provided between the
fence and the lot line
along the street.
Presentation by a representative(s) of The Jones Consulting Group.
Presentation by Jaspreet Sidhu, Planner, Development Services Department.