File #: TMP-24083    Version: Name:
Type: Open Delegations Status: To Be Introduced
File created: 5/1/2019 In control: City Building Committee
On agenda: 5/14/2019 Final action: 5/14/2019
Title: OPEN DELEGATION FROM REPRESENTATIVE(S) OF THE HEWITT'S LANDOWNER GROUP REQUESTING A DEVIATION TO SITE ALTERATION BY-LAW 2014-100 Frank Palka, Manager of Approvals provided an overview of Site Alteration By-law 2014-100, and advised that the By-law regulates the placing or dumping of fill, the removal of topsoil and alteration and grade of land in all areas within the City of Barrie. Mr. Palka advised that the Hewitt's Landowner Group is requesting a deviation to Clause 5.7 of the Site Alteration By-law 2014-100 which does not allow for site alteration to occur on lands zoned agricultural. Mr. Palka advised that an amendment to the zoning by-law would be required. Mr. Palka noted that a blanket rezoning was not done on the Hewitt's Lands and that rezoning applications are being submitted as the lands are being developed. He advised that staff in the Engineering, Environmental Services and Planning and Building Services Departments had met with the Hewitt's Landowner Group to determine...
Attachments: 1. Open Delegation Hewitt's Landowners Group Site Alteration, 2. 190514 - Presentation Site Alteration By-law, 3. 190514 - Burnside Report Site Alteration By-laws, 4. Appendix A Hewitt's Ownership Map (Jones Dec 17 2018), 5. Appendix B Earthworks Sequencing ESS1 (RJB Dec 17 2018), 6. Staff Memo - Request Deviation Zoning Requirement within By-law 2014-100
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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Frank Palka, Manager of Approvals provided an overview of Site Alteration By-law 2014-100, and advised that the By-law regulates the placing or dumping of fill, the removal of topsoil and alteration and grade of land in all areas within the City of Barrie. Mr. Palka advised that the Hewitt’s Landowner Group is requesting a deviation to Clause 5.7 of the Site Alteration By-law 2014-100 which does not allow for site alteration to occur on lands zoned agricultural. Mr. Palka advised that an amendment to the zoning by-law would be required.  Mr. Palka noted that a blanket rezoning was not done on the Hewitt’s Lands and that rezoning applications are being submitted as the lands are being developed. He advised that staff in the Engineering, Environmental Services and Planning and Building Services Departments had met with the Hewitt’s Landowner Group to determine a solution that would both meet the intent of the Site Alteration By-law and the request of the Hewitt’s Landowner Group. Mr. Palka explained the process that would need to be undertaken to remove the soil including the other conditions detailed in the By-law.


Bryan Richardson of R.J. Burnside and Associates Limited provided a presentation concerning a request for a deviation to Site Alteration By-law 2014-100, on behalf of the Hewitt’s Landowner Group.


Mr. Richardson discussed slides concerning the following topics:


                     An overview of Site Alteration By-law 2014-100, specifically clause 5.7 related to site alterations being prohibited on lands zoned agriculture;

                     The rationale associated with the request for the deviation from the Site Alteration By-law;

                     An illustration of the Hewitt’s Secondary Plan;

                     An illustration of the Hewitt’s Development Plan;

                     A plan identifying the proposed site alterations; and

                     That the landowner will be in compliance of permit requirements and site alteration permit requirements.


In closing, Mr. Richardson requested that the Committee consider granting a deviation to clause 5.7 of the Site Alteration By-law to exempt them from the requirements to rezone the lands from agricultural.


Members of the Committee asked a number of questions of Mr. Richardson and City staff and received responses.