File #: 15-G-075    Version: Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Carried
File created: 4/7/2015 In control: General Committee
On agenda: 4/20/2015 Final action: 4/20/2015
Title: APPLICATIONS FOR OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - 301099 ONTARIO INC. (PREVIN COURT HOMES) - 180 & 190 FERNDALE DRIVE NORTH (WARD 5) 1. That the Official Plan Amendment application submitted by Templeton Planning Limited, on behalf of 301099 Ontario Inc. (Previn Court Homes), for lands known municipally as 180 and 190 Ferndale Drive North (Ward 5) be approved as follows: a) Amend Official Plan Schedule "A" - Land Use to redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Residential Area and Environmental Protection Area to Open Space Area; b) Amend Official Plan Schedule "A" - Land Use to redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Residential Area and Environmental Protection Area to General Commercial Area; c) Amend Official Plan Schedule "A" - Land Use to redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Open Space Area to Residential Area; and d) Amend Edgehill Drive Secondary Plan Schedule "B" - Concept Plan to redesignate the subject lands from...
Attachments: 1. PLN009-150413.pdf
1.      That the Official Plan Amendment application submitted by Templeton Planning Limited, on behalf of 301099 Ontario Inc. (Previn Court Homes), for lands known municipally as 180 and 190 Ferndale Drive North (Ward 5) be approved as follows:
a)      Amend Official Plan Schedule "A" - Land Use to redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Residential Area and Environmental Protection Area to Open Space Area;
b)      Amend Official Plan Schedule "A" - Land Use to redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Residential Area and Environmental Protection Area to General Commercial Area;
c)      Amend Official Plan Schedule "A" - Land Use to redesignate a portion of the subject lands from Open Space Area to Residential Area; and
d)      Amend Edgehill Drive Secondary Plan Schedule "B" - Concept Plan to redesignate the subject lands from Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Environmental Protection to Residential Low Density, Residential Medium Density, General Commercial and Park.
2.      That notwithstanding the provisions of the Edgehill Drive Secondary Plan for the lands known municipally as 180 and 190 Ferndale Drive North, the text of the Official Plan be amended as follows:
a)      Section 1.2.1 is amended by replacing the population figure in the first sentence with "approximately 4,330";
b)      Section 2.1.2 is deleted and replaced with the following: "The residential density for the Edgehill Drive Planning Area will be approximately 50 persons per gross residential hectare, yielding a residential community of approximately 4,330 persons";
c)      Section 2.2.2 is deleted and replaced with the following: "Approximately 1,512 dwelling units are built or planned to be built within the secondary plan area.  The approximate housing mix shall be 77% low density residential and 23% medium density residential"; and
d)      Section 2.6.4 is amended by deleting the following wording from the end of the section: "A buffer of approximately 25 metres shall be provided between the residential uses proposed on the lands owned by 301009 Ontario Ltd. and the industrial lands to the south.  The existing trees shall be retained, if it is possible to do so.  Alternatively, screening will be permitted to the satisfaction of the City of Barrie. Storm water management facilities will be permitted within the buffer area".
3.      That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Templeton Planning Limited, on behalf of 301099 Ontario Inc. (Previn Court Homes), to rezone the lands known municipally as 180 and 190 Ferndale Drive North  (Ward 5) from Residential Single Detached Dwelling Second Density R2, Residential Single Detached Dwelling Third Density Wide Shallow Special R3-WS(SP-290), Residential Single Detached Dwelling Fourth Density Wide Shallow Special R4-WS(SP-291), Residential Single Detached Dwelling Fourth Density Wide Shallow Special Hold R4-WS(SP-291)(H-65), Multiple Residential Dwelling Second Density Townhouse Wide Shallow Special RM2-TH WS(SP-292), Multiple Residential Dwelling Second Density Special RM2(SP-293), Open Space (OS) and Environmental Protection (EP) to Residential Single Detached Dwelling Second Density Hold R2(H), Residential Single Detached Dwelling Fourth Density R4, Residential Single Detached Dwelling Fourth Density Hold R4(H), Multiple Residential Dwelling Second Density Special RM2(SP), Multiple Residential Dwelling Second Density Townhouse Wide Shallow Special RM2TH-WS(SP), Open Space (OS), Open Space Stormwater Management OS(SWM) and Convenience Commercial Special C5 (SP) be approved.
4.      That By-law 2003-061 be repealed and the subject application for an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2009-141 be approved.
5.      That the following Special Provisions (SP) be referenced in the implementing Zoning By-law for the subject lands:  
a)      Permit the following standards for the RM2-TH(WS)(SP):
Lot Area (min.)      200m2
Lot Frontage (min.)      8m
Lot Depth (min.)      25m
Front Yard (min.)      4.5m(1)(2)
Interior Side yard (min.)      1.2m(3)
Exterior Side yard (min.)      3m(1)(2)
Rear yard (min.)      7m
Height of Main Building (min.)      10m
Lot coverage      No max.
Gross floor area      No max.
(1)      Minimum setback to a garage is 7m from any lot line abutting a street, and in any event no part of any garage shall protrude beyond the porch or front wall of the main building.
(2)      A maximum encroachment of 1.5m shall be permitted for unenclosed porches and steps and 0.6m for bay windows.
(3)      The interior side yard minimum shall only apply to end units.
b)      That lands zoned RM2(SP), shall only permit stacked townhouses and walkup apartments with a minimum density of 53 units per hectare and a maximum density of 60 units per hectare (112 units); and
c)      That lands zoned C5(SP) shall also permit a grocery store.
6.      That the By-law for the purpose of lifting the Holding Provision (H) from the Zoning By-law Amendment as it applies to the lands municipally known as 180 Ferndale Drive North, shall be brought forward for approval once the owner provides the following to the satisfaction of the City of Barrie:
a)      That the lands zoned Residential Single Detached Second Density Hold R2(H) have merged on title with the abutting lands to the north known municipally as 194 Ferndale Drive prior to or at the time of registration of the Plan of Subdivision; and
b)      That the lands zoned Residential Single Detached Fourth Density Hold R4(H) have merged on title with the abutting lands to the north and have been subdivided by way of a Plan of Subdivision or Consent application.
7.      That pursuant to Section 17(22) and 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further public notification is required prior to the passing of this by-law.
8.      That the Ontario Municipal Board be so notified of Council's decision.  (PLN009-15) (File: D09-OPA015 and D14-1528)