File #: 12-G-010    Version: Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Recommended Motion (section B)
File created: 1/18/2012 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/30/2012 Final action: 1/30/2012
Title: 2012 BUSINESS PLAN 1. That the 2012 tax-supported base operating budget for municipal operations, with total gross expenditures of $152.9 million and a net property tax levy requirement of $102.5 million be approved with the following amendments to reflect changes since the Business Plan’s publication on December 30, 2011 and with the following amendment(s) to the document presented to General Committee on January 23, 2012: a) That the budget for the International Relations Committee (01-06-0935-0000-xxxx) be increased by $6,000 as per Motion 11-G-356; b) That costs associated with operating the Dorian Parker Centre ($9,300) be included; c) That the planned expenditures related to the maintenance of Fire Station #1 be decreased by $41,000 as demolition will be occurring mid-year; d) That the planned expenditures in Fleet be increased by $20,400 to reflect the need to maintain equipment (Ladder #11) past its lifespan, as it is not being replaced; e) That the contribution to the Ta...
Attachments: 1. EMT001-120123.pdf
1.      That the 2012 tax-supported base operating budget for municipal operations, with total gross expenditures of $152.9 million and a net property tax levy requirement of $102.5 million be approved with the following amendments to reflect changes since the Business Plan's publication on December 30, 2011 and with the following amendment(s) to the document presented to General Committee on January 23, 2012:
a)      That the budget for the International Relations Committee (01-06-0935-0000-xxxx) be increased by $6,000 as per Motion 11-G-356;
b)      That costs associated with operating the Dorian Parker Centre ($9,300) be included;
c)      That the planned expenditures related to the maintenance of Fire Station #1 be decreased by $41,000 as demolition will be occurring mid-year;
d)      That the planned expenditures in Fleet be increased by $20,400 to reflect the need to maintain equipment (Ladder #11) past its lifespan, as it is not being replaced;
e)      That the contribution to the Tax Capital Reserve be decreased by $1,000,000 and an additional $1,000,000 be included in the Road Resurfacing Program (asphalt plane and overlay) for the resurfacing of roads that require reconstruction but cannot be scheduled for reconstruction within at least six years due to affordability issues and the resulting requirement to prioritize projects;
f)      That the recommendations from the recently completed service reviews be implemented, resulting in a net reduction of $494,000;
g)      That the opening of Fire Station #5 be deferred until December 2012, resulting in a net reduction of $233,000 associated with the change in the timing of facility opening and the deferral of the hiring of the 20 fire fighters for the facility until September 2012;
h)      That the Barrie Molson Centre cost reductions identified in EMT001-12 be implemented, resulting in a net reduction of $150,000;
i)      That the issuance of tax rate debt as identified in EMT001-12, be deferred in part until December 2012, resulting in a net reduction of $500,000;
j)      That corporate savings opportunities be implemented from positive in year variances in budget to actual expenditures, resulting in a net reduction of $500,000;
k)      That the savings associated with salary gapping be increased to $1,500,000 through increasing the amount of time that has lapsed prior to filling vacancies, resulting in a net reduction through cost avoidance of $750,000;
l)      That the savings associated with reduced payments for debt (related to the decreased scope of the capital plan) be utilized, resulting in a net reduction of $250,000; and
m)      That savings associated with additional service review findings be accelerated, resulting in a net reduction of $200,000.
2.      That the 2012 tax supported base operating budget for Barrie's Service Partners with total gross expenditures of $93.6 million and a net property tax levy requirement of $75.8 million, broken down as follows and based on adjusted figures provided by the Barrie Police Service after the Business Plan's publication on December 30, 2012 as identified in Staff Report EMT001-12, be approved:
a)      Police Services      $ 43,343,716
b)      County of Simcoe *       $ 21,779,321
c)      Library      $  5,996,781
d)      Conservation Authorities       $  1,096,224
e)      Simcoe County Health Unit       $  1,629,705
f)      Lake Simcoe Regional Airport      $    861,207
g)      Other       $  1,175,729
* County of Simcoe includes Social Services, Social Housing, Land Ambulance, and the County Museum and Archives.
3.      That Tax-supported Program Changes, including service enhancements worth $1.3 million and service reductions worth $1.1 million, for a net 2012 cost of $0.2 million as detailed on page 296-349 of the 2012 Business Plan, be approved with the following amendments to the document presented to General Committee on January 23, 2012:
a)      That the Program Change form for the Contribution to the Library Ramp Up Reserve  as described on pages 348-349, with a tax-supported impact in the amount of $350,000, be deleted;
b)      That the Program Change form for the Permanent Part Time Benefits as described on page 333-334, with a tax-supported impact in the amount of $115,087, be deleted;
c)      That the Program Change form for the Physician Recruitment Program Funding as described on pages 298-299, with a tax-supported impact in the amount of $110,000 be decreased to $60,000 (resulting in a net reduction of $50,000);
d)      That the Program Change form for the Facility Operations - Asset Management (Mechanical Maintenance Operators (3)) as described on pages 312-314, with a tax-supported impact in the amount of $89,137, be deleted;
e)      That the Program Change form for the Temporary Purchasing Agent (Temporary Capacity)  as described on pages 335-336, with a tax-supported impact in the amount of $81,050, be deleted;
f)      That the Program Change form for the Theatres@Barrie Box Office as described on pages 346-347, with a tax-supported impact in the amount of $17,817, be deleted;
g)      That the Program Change form for the Parks Washroom Clean Up as described on pages 319-320, with a tax-supported savings in the amount of $36,000, be deleted;
h)      That the Program Change form for the Parks Weekend Garbage Collection as described on pages 321-322, with a tax-supported savings in the amount of $26,000, be deleted;
i)      That the Program Change form for the Winter Control/Downtown as described on pages 323-324, with a tax-supported savings in the amount of $465,000, be implemented with the exception of the elimination of snow lifts, resulting in a net tax-supported savings of $265,000;
j)      That the Program Change form for the Facility Operations - Corporate Facilities - City Hall Security as described on pages 310-311, with a tax-supported impact in the amount of $59,000, be decreased to $39,000 (resulting in a net reduction of $20,000);
k)      That the Program Change form for the Parks Fertilizing and Planting Program as described on pages 317-318, with a tax-supported savings in the amount of $53,000, be deleted;
l)      That the Program Change form for the Transit - System Rebranding as described on pages 306-307, with a tax-supported impact in the amount of $100,000, be deleted; and
m)      That the Program Change form for the Transit - Real Time Passenger Information System as described on pages 304-305, with a total cost of $436,500 and a tax-supported impact in the amount of $76,500, be deleted and replaced with a Program Change Form that represents a total cost of $300,000 to be split over two years and resulting in a net tax supported impact of $10,000 in 2012 (a net reduction of $63,500).
4.      That an economic adjustment for exempt staff salaries included in the 2012 base operating budgets, equivalent to a 2% adjustment to salary levels and consistent with the adjustment applicable to CUPE salaries, be applied, for a total cost of $498,675.
5.      That the summaries provided in Appendix "B" to Staff Report EMT001-12 serve as the response Council directed staff to provide regarding the demonstrated need for new positions approved in the 2011 Business Plan for programs that were the subject of a Service Review in 2011, and that recruiting for these vacant positions proceed.
6.      That the water base operating budget, with gross expenditures of $24.2 million and revenues of $24.2 million, be approved.
7.      That the wastewater base operating budget, with gross expenditures of $27.6 million and revenues of $27.6 million, be approved.
8.      That the Parking Operations base budget, with gross expenditures of $1.3 million and gross revenues of $1.3 million, be approved.
9.      That User-rate supported Program Changes with gross 2012 costs of $48,000, be approved as follows:
a)      $22,000 for wastewater programs, as described on page 97 of the 2012 Business Plan;
b)      $18,000 for water programs, as described on pages 103 of the 2012 Business Plan;
c)      $8,000 for Parking Operations, as described on page 108 of the 2012 Business Plan;
10.      That the 2012 capital budget of $156.1 million, comprised of $51.2 million in new funding and $104.9 million in funding approved in prior periods, be approved with the following amendment(s) to the document presented to General Committee on January 23, 2012:
a)      That the following projects identified in the 2012-2021 Capital Plan be deferred and considered for inclusion in the 2013 Capital Plan:
Project      Financial Impact
City Hall - Security System       Gross $200,000
Upgrades (cameras) (page       Tax Capital Res. = $200,000
248 of the 2012 Capital
Plan/page 428 of the
2012 Business Plan)
Replacement for Ladder 11       Gross = $1,200,000   
(page 275 of the 2012 Capital       Tax Capital Res. = $1,200,000
Plan/page 441 of the 2012
Business Plan)
b)      That a portion of the following project identified in the 2012-2021 Capital Plan be undertaken over 2012 and the remainder in 2013:
Project      Financial Impact
Replacement of HVAC System       Gross = $1,265,000  
in City Hall (page 245 of the       Tax Capital Res. (2012) = $400,000
2012 Capital Plan/page 439 of       Tax Capital Res. (2013) = $865,000
the 2012 Business Plan)
c)      That the funding and funding sources for the following projects identified in the 2012 Capital Plan be amended and approved as follows:
Project      Financial Impact
Infrastructure - Downtown CCTV      Gross $250,000
Cameras (page 311 of the 2012       Tax Capital Res. = $125,000
Capital Plan/page 430 of the       Other/Grants: $125,000
2012 Business Plan)
Enterprise Resource Planning      Gross = $1,000,000
project - partial project (page       Tax Capital Res. = $1,000,000
179 of the 2012 Capital Plan/
page 435 of the 2012 Business
d)      That the following project be undertaken as part of the 2012 capital plan:
Project      Financial Impact
Redevelopment of Memorial       Gross $200,000
Square pre-design and design       Other/Grant: $200,000
(paragraph 47 of Staff Report
11.      That, consistent with the Capital Project Control Policy, the 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 capital budget relating to new 2012 capital projects of $13.5 million in 2013 and $3.0 million in 2014 be approved, as amended below:
a)      That $865,000 for the Replacement of the HVAC System in City Hall be included in 2013; and
b)      That $1,850,000 be included in the 2016 capital plan associated with the balance of the ERP project costs.
12.      That no expenditure of funds occur for the following capital projects, if they are approved as part of the 2012 capital budget, until the business case for each is presented in a separate report and approved for implementation:
a)      Downtown CCTV Cameras; and
b)      Mayor's Plan for Transit.
13.      That the 2013 and 2014 preliminary operating budgets be approved as forecasts.
14.      That effective March 1, 2012, By-law 2011-049, as amended, be repealed and replaced with a by-law incorporating the fees and charges presented in the 2012 Business Plan, published December 30, 2011, pages 381-419.
15.      That pursuant to Ontario Regulation 284/09, this report serve as the method for communicating the exclusion of the following estimated expenses from the 2012 Business Plan:
a)      Amortization expense - $38 million;
b)      Post-employment benefit expenses - $1.3 million; and
c)      Solid waste landfill closure and post-closure expenses - $0.8 million.
16.      That staff be authorized to submit applications for grants that would reduce expenditures associated with projects, programs and services approved as part of the operating and capital budgets.
17.      That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute any agreements that may be required to accept grant funding from other levels of governments or other partners to reduce expenditures associated with programs, services and/or capital projects.
18.      That staff be authorized to submit applications for grants that would reduce future capital expenditures, fund service enhancements or enable capital projects to be advanced and a report be presented prior to the execution of any agreement associated with the acceptance of such grant.
19.      That the Redevelopment of Memorial Square construction be considered for inclusion in the 2013 capital plan, subject to a report to General Committee concerning the financing options and any required draft terms for an agreement with the Downtown BIA.
20.      That the Executive Management Team review the impact of the delay in the filling of vacancies and report back to General Committee on any changes to services, service levels, financing plans and/or organizational structure for implementation in 2013, to allow for the cost avoidance from the amount of time that has lapsed prior to filling vacancies to become permanent.
21.      That staff in the Finance Department investigate the feasibility of implementing a 10 year rate strategy for water and waste water rates and services including the impact on the timing and financing of reserves, capital projects and rate structure, and report back to Finance and Corporate Services Committee in 2012 as part of the updated Drinking Water System Financial Plan.
22.      That staff in the Leisure, Transit and Facilities Department develop a strategy to achieve cost recovery levels of 70% of the total costs for recreation fees by 2018, and report to General Committee by September 2012 concerning the anticipated implications of the implementation of the strategy.
23.      That the billing period for water/wastewater bills be extended from the current 21 days to 35 days.
24.      That the City Clerk be authorized to prepare all necessary By-laws to implement the above recommendations.