Andrea Miller, General Manager of Infrastructure and Growth Management and Tomasz Wierzba, Planner provided a presentation concerning the Growth Options and Land Use Planning Directions.
Ms. Miller and Ms. Wierzba discussed slides concerning the following topics:
• The questions related to growth management;
• An overview of the presentation;
• The status of the Official Plan Project and Policy Context Review;
• An overview of the growth management scenarios, key differences and key terms;
• A chart comparing Growth Management Scenarios 1, 2 and 3;
• An overview of Growth Management Scenario 1;
• An overview of Growth Management Scenario 2;
• An overview of Growth Management Scenario 3;
• The recommendation by staff for Growth Option Scenario 3 the ‘Made in Barrie’ approach;
• The next steps and request for policy direction related to Growth Management;
• An overview related to the Land Use Policy Directions; and
• A summary of the three growth management scenarios.
Ms. Miller advised that staff followed the ‘Made in Barrie’ approach and noted that she believes that Growth Management Scenario 3 is the right scenario for the City of Barrie. Ms. Miller advised that it is anticipated that the City New Official Plan will be presented to Council in early 2020.
Matthew Cory of Malone, Given Parsons Ltd. advised that he was representing DIV Development (Barrie) Ltd. (Dorsay Development Corporation) who own the lands located in the Hewitt Secondary Plan Area west of 20th Sideroad, between Lockhart Road and Mapleview Drive East known municipally as 1080 Lockhart Road. Mr. Cory advised that they have participated in the Hewitt Secondary Plan process since 2012 and have consulted with staff regarding growth management as part of the City’s Official Plan review and update. He commented that based on the Lands Needs Assessment Report completed by Watson and Associates that he felt that the direction of growth management was to bring the remaining community area lands of the Hewitt and Salem Secondary Plan to within the City’s settlement area boundary to provide for a timely completion of these communities. He discussed concerns related to Growth Option Scenario 3 and that he felt that if this scenario was approved by Council, it could potentially delay completion of the Hewitt’s Secondary Plan Area.
Mr. Cory suggested that since the Province is currently reviewing the Lands Needs Assessment Methodology that any decision related to the preferred growth management scenario should wait until after the revision to this document. Mr. Cory commented that it is his opinion that Growth Option Scenario 1 would provide the most flexibility and allow for the completion of Hewitt’s Secondary Plan Area. Mr. Cory requested that Council consider a modified Growth Management option Scenario 1 and potential intensification and greenfield density targets.
Ray Duhamel, a group manager for Hewitt’s Secondary Plan Area expressed concerns related to Growth Management Scenario 3. He commented that the developer would like to finish what they have started in the development of the Hewitt’s Secondary Plan Area. He advised that there has been slow growth in the area and that they are working hard to have the secondary plans developed. Mr. Duhamel felt that if Growth Management Option Scenario 3 was the direction for the City’s Official Plan then this could potentially impact developments located in the Hewitt’s Secondary Plan Area. Mr. Duhamel suggested Growth Management Option Scenario 1.
Rick Newlove a representative of 594 - 622 Essa Road commented that he considers Growth Management Scenario 3 to be a good planning decision. He feels that there are small industrial properties that must be developed in the municipality in order to shape the future of the city. He advised that service connections were placed on the property located at 594 - 622 Essa Road a couple of years and that services currently exist on the corridor that would support mixed use, high density, increase transit. He commented that he would support staff in accomplishing Growth Management Option Scenario 3.
Keith MacKinnon, KLM Planning Partners Inc. on behalf of the Salem Landowners Group DG expressed his concerns related to Growth Management Option Scenario 3. Mr. MacKinnon commented that it takes a long time to develop a complete walkable community and since there is infrastructure in the ground, that the developer would like to finish what they have started. Mr. MacKinnon was concerned that if Growth Management Option 3 was the direction for the City’s Official Plan that this could potentially impact the development in the Salem Secondary Plan Areas. Mr. MacKinnon suggested Growth Management Scenario 1 or 2.