File #: 16-G-018    Version: Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Recommended Motion (section B)
File created: 1/13/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 1/25/2016 Final action: 1/25/2016
Title: 2016 BUSINESS PLAN AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, A. Khan Seconded by: Councillor, R. Romita That motion 16-G-018 of Section "B" of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended by deleting 3 c) and 7 d ii) and renumbering the remaining portions of the paragraphs accordingly. CARRIED AMENDMENT #2 Moved by: Councillor, A. Khan Seconded by: Councillor, R. Romita That motion 16-G-018 of Section "B" of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended as follows: a) That the following be added to paragraph 3: "That Intake Form #1247 regarding the Grant Writing and Talent Provision Specialist representing the addition of 1 permanent position (pages 270-271) be deleted resulting in a net levy reduction of $68,879."; and b) That the following be added to paragraph 7 d): "Intake Form #1247 - Grant Writing and Talent Provision Specialist representing the ad...
Attachments: 1. EMT001-160118.pdf, 2. 2016 Draft Business Plan
Related files: 15-A-121, 15-G-270, TMP-16304, 16-G-115, TMP-15791, TMP-15810, BY-LAW 2016-009, BY-LAW 2016-010, BY-LAW 2016-011, 16-G-017, TMP-15569, 2016-007, TMP-15819, 16-G-025, 16-G-188






Moved by:                     Councillor, A. Khan

Seconded by:                     Councillor, R. Romita


That motion 16-G-018 of Section “B” of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended by deleting 3 c) and 7 d ii) and renumbering the remaining portions of the paragraphs accordingly.






Moved by:                     Councillor, A. Khan

Seconded by:                     Councillor, R. Romita


That motion 16-G-018 of Section “B” of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended as follows:


a)                     That the following be added to paragraph 3:


“That Intake Form #1247 regarding the Grant Writing and Talent Provision Specialist representing the addition of 1 permanent position (pages 270-271) be deleted resulting in a net levy reduction of $68,879.”; and


b)                     That the following be added to paragraph 7 d):


“Intake Form #1247 - Grant Writing and Talent Provision Specialist representing the addition of 1 permanent position (pages 270-271), representing a reduction of in the funding required from the Tax Capital Reserve of $9,020”.





Mayor Lehman left the Chair at 7:21 p.m. and Acting Mayor Councillor B. Ward assumed the Chair.




Moved by:                     Mayor, J. Lehman

Seconded by:                     Councillor, R. Romita


That motion 16-G-018 of Section “B” of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended in paragraph 1 b) by adding the following words to the end of the sentence, “subject to the allocation of $1,500 of the $10,000 for historic neighbourhood street signs to identify the historic Kempenfel(d)t Village.”






Moved by:                     Mayor, J. Lehman

Seconded by:                     Councillor, R. Romita


That motion 16-G-018 of Section “B” of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended by:


a)                     Adding the following to paragraph 1:


“That the fee for the registration of a Service Dog be eliminated, resulting in an increase to the net levy requirement estimated in the amount of $2,500.”


b)                     Adding the following to paragraph 10:


“That the Pet Registration Fees included in Schedule “B” on page 328 of the 2016 Business Plan be amended to add the following words to the description of the fees identified in Section 9.1, “No fee for the registration of a dog meeting the definition of a “Service Dog”, as defined in the Animal Control By-law.” 




Mayor Lehman returned to the Chair at 7:28 p.m.


Upon the question of the original motion moved by Councillor, B. Ward and seconded by Councillor, D. Shipley AS AMENDED BY AMENDMENTS #1, #2, #3 and #4, the vote was taken as follows: