Moved by: Mayor, J. Lehman
Seconded by: Councillor, B. Ward
1. That in order for any human rights claims/complaints to be resolved efficiently, the Director of Legal Services or her/his designate be delegated the authority to provide direction in regard to the conduct of human rights claims/complaints, including, without limiting the foregoing, the settlement of claims or potential claims and subject to the following conditions:
a) The settlement is deemed fair, reasonable and in the best interest of The Corporation by the CAO in consultation with the appropriate General Manager or Executive Director;
b) The terms of any settlement do not adversely impact the achievement of an existing Departmental budget or any exposure may be managed through total budget management for The Corporation; and
c) The maximum monetary compensation provided to any person shall not exceed $10,000.
2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute any documents that may be requisite to give effect to the actions identified above.
3. That the Director of Legal Services advise of the exercise of the delegated authority during semi-annual litigation updates.