File #: CIA002-09    Version: 3 Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Recommended Motion (section A)
File created: 6/10/2015 In control: City Council
On agenda: 9/14/2009 Final action: 9/14/2009
Title: BILL 196, PROPOSED BARRIE-INNISFIL BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT ACT, 2009 1. That staff monitor the progress of Bill 196 through the legislative approval process and be authorized to make representation and retain outside legal counsel as required, within existing 2009 approved budget allocations, at any committee hearings scheduled following the second reading of Bill 196. 2. That the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to amend Schedule 1 to Bill 196 as follows: a) change the references to County Road 27 from the centre line of the road to the easterly limit of the road allowance; b) change the references to Sideroad 10 (Huronia Road) from the Centre line of the road allowance to the easterly limit of the road allowance; c) change the references to Lockhart Road from the centre line of the road allowance to the southerly limit of the road allowance; d) change the references to Sideroad 20 from the centre line of the road allowance of the westerly limit of ...


Bill 196, Proposed Barrie-Innisfil Boundary Adjustment Act, 2009


1.                     That staff monitor the progress of Bill 196 through the legislative approval process and be authorized to make representation and retain outside legal counsel as required, within existing 2009 approved budget allocations, at any committee hearings scheduled following the second reading of Bill 196.


2.                     That the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to amend Schedule 1 to Bill 196 as follows:


a)                     change the references to County Road 27 from the centre line of the road to the easterly limit of the road allowance;


b)                     change the references to Sideroad 10 (Huronia Road) from the Centre line of the road allowance to the easterly limit of the road allowance;


c)                     change the references to Lockhart Road from the centre line of the road allowance to the southerly limit of the road allowance;


d)                     change the references to Sideroad 20 from the centre line of the road allowance of the westerly limit of the road allowance; and


e)                     change the references to Big Bay Point Road from the centre line of the road allowance to the northerly limit of the road allowance.


3.                     That the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing be requested to make a Regulation under Bill 196, the Barrie-Innisfil Boundary Adjustment Act, 2009 to establish revised ward boundaries that would result in the addition of the lands to the southernmost portion of the respective existing Barrie wards effective January 1, 2010 as shown on Appendix “C” to Staff Report CIA002-09.


4.                     That staff be authorized to coordinate the terms of transition agreements and report back to General Committee as required with the goal of ensuring a seamless transition of the affected area. (CIA002-09) (File: L00)