K. Thompson, Risk Management Official provided a presentation concerning the City’s Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (“Strategy”).
Ms. Thompson discussed slides concerning the following topics:
• Examples of four extreme weather events;
• The reasons why the City is taking action as a result of climate change;
• The two part approach (mitigation and adaptation) in response to climate change;
• The measures the City has undertaken for climate change mitigation;
• The framework for the Strategy;
• A diagram identifying the key points of the Building Adaptive and Resilient Communities (BARC) Program;
• The vision and mission statement for the Strategy;
• The seven goals contained in the Strategy;
• The implementation plan to achieve actions set out within the Strategy;
• The accomplishments to date of achieving the set goals; and
• The progress to date, quick wins and next steps associated with the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.
Members of the Committee asked a number of questions to the presenter and received responses.