File #: 24-G-213    Version: Name:
Type: Recommendation Status: Carried
File created: 9/18/2024 In control: City Council
On agenda: 10/23/2024 Final action: 10/23/2024
Title: BUDGET EXPENDITURE APPROVAL TO HIRE CONSULTANT AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Seconded by: Councillor, A. Courser That motion 24-G-113 of Section "E" of the General Committee Report dated October 9, 2024, concerning the Budget Expenditure Approval to Hire Consultant be amended to replace paragraph 1 with the following: 1. That in light of the work completed by Avail Consulting with respect to the County of Simcoe Community Safety and Well-being Plan, the importance of ensuring compatibility with the County of Simcoe's Planning, and notwithstanding the requirements of the Procurement By-law, Avail Consulting, be the consultant retained to support the review and revisions to Barrie's Community Safety and Well-Being Plan at a cost not to exceed $125,000. Councillor, AM. Kungl declared a non-pecuniary interest as there could be the perception of a bias with the consultant. She did not vote on the matter but remained in the Council Chambers. CARRIED Upon the quest...
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
10/23/20242 City Council Adopted As Amended  Action details Meeting details Not available
10/9/20241 General Committee recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/25/20241 Community Safety Committee recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Meeting details Not available
9/17/20241 Community Safety and Well-Being Committee recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Meeting details Not available






Moved by:                     Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson

Seconded by:                     Councillor, A. Courser


That motion 24-G-113 of Section “E” of the General Committee Report dated October 9, 2024, concerning the Budget Expenditure Approval to Hire Consultant be amended to replace paragraph 1 with the following:


1.                     That in light of the work completed by Avail Consulting with respect to the County of Simcoe Community Safety and Well-being Plan, the importance of ensuring compatibility with the County of Simcoe’s Planning, and notwithstanding the requirements of the Procurement By-law, Avail Consulting, be the consultant retained to support the review and revisions to Barrie’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan at a cost not to exceed $125,000.


Councillor, AM. Kungl declared a non-pecuniary interest as there could be the perception of a bias with the consultant.  She did not vote on the matter but remained in the Council Chambers.




Upon the question of the original motion moved by Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson and seconded by Councillor, A. Courser the motion was CARRIED AS AMENDED BY AMENDMENT #1