Councillor, G. Harvey declared that to remain in compliance with his statutory obligations under Section 17(3) of the Police Services Act he was unable to participate in the discussions or vote on the foregoing matter. He left the Council Chambers.
Moved by: Councillor, K. Aylwin
Seconded by: Councillor, N. Harris
That motion 22-G-119 of Section “F” of the Second General Committee Report dated May 30, 2022 be amended by deleting paragraph 3 and replace with the following:
“3. That correspondence be sent to the OPP requesting them to connect with outreach workers in Barrie to follow-up with the needs of citizens staying within encampments along the Highway 400 ramps in order to address safety concerns as they arise and that a compassionate approach be taken in supporting people in these areas.”
Moved by: Councillor, K. Aylwin
Seconded by: Councillor, N. Harris
That motion 22-G-119 of Section “F” of the Second General Committee Report dated May 30, 2022 be amended by adding the following paragraph:
“8. That staff in the Operations Department investigate the provision of waste collection bins and/or the servicing of waste collection zones near informal encampment sites to prevent the accumulation of debris and to reduce fire risk and that the locations be identified in consultation with the Simcoe County Alliance to End Homelessness (SCATEH) Barrie Chapter and Enforcement Services and report back to General Committee.”
Upon the question of the original motion moved by Deputy Mayor, B. Ward and seconded by Councillor, R. Thomson, the motion was CARRIED AS AMENDED BY AMENDMENTS #1 AND #2.