Mayor Lehman called upon Terry Leigh of Rogers Television to join him at the podium in recognition of his retirement and noted that he will be missed. Mayor Lehman provided a short slide presentation with highlights from Terry’s career and shows that he has produced. He advised that Terry had produced City Council for 23 consecutive years and 25 years in total. Mayor Lehman stated that Terry is a wizard behind community television and listed Terry’s many personal and professional accomplishments. He noted that Terry is an unbelievably warm person and puts a person at ease in front of the camera. Mayor Lehman commented that meetings won’t be the same without him.
In closing, Mayor Lehman thanked Terry for his years of service bringing City Council Meetings to the community and presented Terry with a picture of the City of Barrie waterfront.
Terry Leigh commented that he has looked forward to the Monday night adventures and enjoyed learning about the community. He discussed that he has watched seven different mayors and numerous members of Council and that they have all had the best in mind for the City of Barrie related to how it will be developed, ever since the first Council meeting he produced.
Terry acknowledged his longest City contact Dawn McAlpine, City Clerk/Director of Legislative and Court Services for her kinship and also thanked the City administration and members of Council. Terry provided reassurance that the City is in good hands with his replacement. In closing, Terry commented that he has enjoyed watching the suspense, drama, comedy and surprise endings of City Council as he has a sincere interest in the City and that he will continue to be here in spirit and watch his favourite show on TV.
Mayor Lehman wished Terry all the best and happiness in his retirement and noted that he will be missed.