1. That the Barrie-Simcoe Emergency Services Campus Project as outlined in the Validation Report included as Appendix "E" to Staff Report FCT009-17, be approved to proceed in a phased approach with A and C being constructed immediately as Phase One and Building B and the exterior fire training components be deferred to a future date.
2. That capital projects "FC1020", "Z268" and "FC1010" be consolidated into one project and named as the Barrie-Simcoe Emergency Services Campus Phase One with a total project budget of $103,335,470, which includes all costs associated with land, soft costs, design, construction and Phase One project financing costs and staff add a new project to the capital plan in the future, named Barrie Simcoe Emergency Services Campus - Building B and exterior training components, with a forecasted cost of $29,144,391, resulting in a total forecasted cost of the entire campus project of $132,479,861.
3. That the Mayor and City Clerk, upon recommendation of the Director of Corporate Facilities, Director of Legal Services and Chief Administrative Officer, execute the Multi-Party Agreement Contract to design and construct the facility, with a Target Cost of $90,234,792 for Integrated Project Delivery of the Barrie-Simcoe Emergency Services Campus Phase One and any other document that may be requisite to the execution of the project.
4. That following funding plan for Phase One be approved: $41,070,246 from Debentures - Tax, $15,902,573 from Debenture - DC, $5,062,237 from DC Reserve Funds, $17,235,000 from Tax Capital Reserve, $24,065,414 from Partner Funding (this funding plan reflecting $2,712,509 contributed by Police to the Tax Capital Reserve to the end of 2017 toward Police Accommodation and $7,858,638 in approved spending net of the cancellation of approved renovations at 2 police facilities - 29 Sperling and 60 Bell Farm - totalling $650,000).
5. That the Director of Finance an...
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