APPLICATION FOR A REZONING - B.E. GROUP - 185-205 DUNLOP STREET EAST (October 24, 2011) (File: D14-1521)
Ray Duhamel of The Jones Consulting Group, noted that the purpose of the Public Meeting is to discuss an application for a rezoning submitted by the Jones Consulting Group on behalf of the applicant, B. E. Group on lands owned by Erkki Laakonnen. The lands are located on the south side of Dunlop Street East, east of Bayview Park and the closed portion of Poyntz Street and known municipally as 185-205 Dunlop Street East. He explained that the rezoning application submitted proposes to rezone the lands from Central Area 1 (C1-1) to Central Area 2 (C1-2SP) in order to allow for a maximum building height of 46 metres, whereas the current zoning of the subject lands permits a maximum building height of 30 metres. He commented that the applicant intends on amending the building height to 39.56 metres as opposed to the 46 metres included in the application. Mr. Duhamel noted that the SP, Special Provision would allow the maximum building height to exceed that which is permitted in a C1-2 zone by 1 metre, where the maximum building height permitted in a C1-2 zone allows a maximum building height of 45 metres. Mr. Duhamel commented that the proposed building includes condominium residential, hotel and ancillary uses. Mr. Duhamel displayed an aerial photograph of the site and clarified that the proposed development will not be utilizing any lands from Bayview Park and that the proposed building will not be constructed on the un-opened road allowance.
Ian Malcolm of Ian S. Malcolm Architects displayed photos of the subject property. He explained that the proposed building is intended to be constructed 4.5 metres from the sidewalk and described the design of the building and the proposed docks. He indicated that the parking garage for the building will be constructed below Dunlop Street and will have two separate entrances in an effort to improve the traf...
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