File #: By-law 2013-074    Version: 1 Name:
Type: By-law Status: Carried
File created: 4/9/2013 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/15/2013 Final action: 4/15/2013
Title: Bill #081 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to adopt an amendment to the Official Plan (O.P.A. #17). (13-G-041) (Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning - Proposed Medium and High Density Residential, 300 Essa Road - Ward 6) (PLN005-13) (File: D09-OPA017, S14-1473R)
Attachments: 1. Bill 081.pdf
Related files: BY-LAW 2016-072, 13-G-019, 13-G-041, BY-LAW 2013-078, TMP-6151
Bill #081
A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to adopt an amendment to the Official Plan (O.P.A. #17).  (13-G-041) (Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning - Proposed Medium and High Density Residential, 300 Essa Road - Ward 6) (PLN005-13) (File: D09-OPA017, S14-1473R)