Moved by: Councillor, N. Nigussie
Seconded by: Councillor, G. Harvey
1. That in consideration of the Municipal Act and the Public Libraries Act, that staff in the Finance Department work with the Barrie Public Library Board to bring forward a Financial Policy for consideration by Council that improves financial governance and oversight related to the allocation of grants and use of library reserves; and
2. That until such time as the Council approved Financial Policy is in effect, the Library Board seek City Council approval of any capital expenses that have not been previously approved by City Council through the annual budget process.
Moved by: Councillor, AM. Kungl
Seconded by: Councillor, A. Courser
That the direct motion concerning the Barrie Public Library Capital Spending be referred to Finance and Responsible Governance Committee in September 2024.
The recorded vote was taken as follows:
Yes: 9 - Councillor, C. Riepma
Councillor, C. Nixon
Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson
Councillor, N. Nigussie
Councillor, G. Harvey
Councillor, J. Harris
Councillor, S. Morales
Councillor, B. Hamilton
Mayor, A. Nuttall
No: 2 Councillor, A. Courser
Councillor, AM. Kungl
Upon question of the original motion moved by Councillor, N. Nigussie and seconded by Councillor, G. Harvey the motion was CARRIED.