Cathy Colebatch provided a deputation concerning motion 22-G159, Owen Street Development Charge Deferral Request.
Ms. Colebatch advised that she is not in favour of a lame duck Council making a decision related to the development charge deferral request by the Owen Street Development as she feels that the municipality could be setting a precedent that has not been fully explored and leaving the next term of Council to deal with any potential issues.
She discussed concerns related to the provincial government making decisions concerning development charges without proper public engagement or forethought as to repercussions municipalities may potentially face after these changes have been implemented. She questioned whether the province would provide funding after the municipal development charge reserves have been depleted.
Ms. Colebatch felt that the Owen Street Development is a for profit development and should already have their funding in place and not use public tax dollars. In her opinion, she felt that any proposed developments should not be using the municipality as a banking option.
She also discussed concerns related to the Owen Street Developments change of property ownership and whether the project will actually end up being built, the guarantee that the amount of affordable and assisted living units will remain the same, the timelines associated with construction, and the building permits.
Ms. Colebatch indicated that since the municipality is in a housing crisis, any future developments should have to include affordable units. She expressed that developers should be building what they can afford, not overextending and building unaffordable units.
She recommended that the municipality create a policy concerning development charge deferrals and not put the City in a position to be concerned about cash flow and capital project...
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