File #: 22-P-033    Version: Name:
Type: Public Meeting Status: Received
File created: 5/19/2022 In control: City Council
On agenda: 6/27/2022 Final action: 6/27/2022
Title: APPLICATION FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - 219 AND 223 BAYFIELD STREET (WARD 2) (FILE: D30-013-2022) Megan Absil of Innovative Planning Solutions Inc advised that the purpose of the Public Meeting is to review an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment on behalf of Hillcorp Investment and Development Inc., for lands known municipally as 219 and 223 Bayfield Street, Barrie. Ms. Absil discussed slides concerning the following topics: * The site location and surrounding land uses; * The current Zoning and Official Plan designation for the subject lands; * The Zoning By-law Amendment for site location; * The site plan for the proposed development; * The Landscape Plan; and * The next steps in the project. Shelby White, Senior Planner provided an update concerning the status of the application. She reviewed the public comments received during the neighbourhood meeting. She advised that the primary planning and land use matters are currently being reviewed by the Technical Review Team....
Attachments: 1. PM1 - Notice 219 and 223 Bayfield Street, 2. PM1 - Presentation 219 and 223 Bayfield Street, 3. PM1 - Memorandum 219 and 223 Bayfield Street, 4. PM1 Correspondence 219 and 223 Bayfield Street

Megan Absil of Innovative Planning Solutions Inc advised that the purpose of the Public Meeting is to review an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment on behalf of Hillcorp Investment and Development Inc., for lands known municipally as 219 and 223 Bayfield Street, Barrie.

Ms. Absil discussed slides concerning the following topics:

* The site location and surrounding land uses;
* The current Zoning and Official Plan designation for the subject lands;
* The Zoning By-law Amendment for site location;
* The site plan for the proposed development;
* The Landscape Plan; and
* The next steps in the project.

Shelby White, Senior Planner provided an update concerning the status of the application. She reviewed the public comments received during the neighbourhood meeting. She advised that the primary planning and land use matters are currently being reviewed by the Technical Review Team. Ms. White discussed the anticipated timelines for the staff report regarding the proposed application.

Ward 2 Councillor, K. Aylwin asked questions of Ms. Absil and City staff and received responses.


1. Dave Aspden, 11 Grove Street East advised that he is not against the proposed development. He discussed concerns related to traffic flow on Bayfield Street and Grove Street, the location of the driveway of the property, snow removal and transit. He questioned whether the applicant or the municipality had changed the concept for the driveway location. He felt that the best solution for the driveway would be to retain an entrance off Bayfield Street and Grove Street East to create better traffic flow.

Mr. Aspden indicated that he backs his vehicle into his driveway due to the amount of traffic along Grove Street East which often times is backed up to Clapperton Street. He described the driveway of the ReMax Chay Realty Building located at the corner Welli...

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