1. That staff be directed to prepare a five (5) year business plan for Barrie Transit, known as the 2015-2020 Transit Business Plan, with the Plan to include the following elements as identified in this report:
a) Fare Strategy;
b) Marketing, Ridership Growth and Branding Strategy;
c) Transit Customer Service Strategy;
d) Financial Plan;
e) Provincial Gas Tax Funding and Reserve strategy; and
f) Fleet Asset Renewal Strategy.
2. That a project in the amount of $125,000 be added to the 2014 capital plan to retain external consulting services to assist with the development of the 2015-2020 Transit Business Plan and that this project be funded from the Provincial Gas Tax Reserve Fund (11-05-0595).
3. That staff present the 2015-2020 Transit Business Plan to Council for approval as part of the 2015 Business Plan process.
4. That notwithstanding motion 14-G-017 as amended concerning the 2014 Business Plan:
a) That Transit fares remain at the 2013 Council approved rates until May 1, 2015 pending the review of the five (5) year business plan for Transit and the 2014 Fees By-law be amended accordingly. And that $100,000 in projected revenue lost due to this deferral be funded from the Provincial Gas Tax Reserve Fund (11-05-0595);
b) That any potential variance in Transits net operating budget as a result of decreased revenue be funded from the Provincial Gas Tax Reserve Fund (11-05-0595) to an upset limit of $800,000; and
c) That $25,000 to be funded from the Provincial Gas Tax Reserve Fund (11-05-0595) be approved for the production of communications materials to inform and educate the public regarding the proposed changes to the Transit system. (FCT002-14) (File: C11-TRA)