File #: 23-A-128    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Direct Motion Status: Carried
File created: 12/6/2023 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/13/2023 Final action: 12/6/2023
Title: DECLARATION OF AN INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE (IPV) EPIDEMIC Moved By: Mayor A. Nuttall Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Thomson WHEREAS Gender Based, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is manifested in a variety of ways including physical, sexual, psychological, aggression, coercion and control; AND WHEREAS on the morning of September 22, 2015, Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk and Nathalie Warmerdam were murdered by a former partner; AND WHEREAS on June 28, 2022, a five-person jury established as part of a coroner's inquest into the events of September 22, 2015, delivered 86 recommendations; AND WHEREAS specific legislation addressing family and domestic violence has been passed by six provinces and three territories, however, to date Ontario has not implemented this type of legislation; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Corporation of the City of Barrie declare a Gender Based, IPV epidemic and call on the Ontario Government to do the same, as per #1 of the Renfrew County Inq...




Moved By:                      Mayor A. Nuttall

Seconded By:                      Deputy Mayor Thomson


WHEREAS Gender Based, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is manifested in a variety of ways including physical, sexual, psychological, aggression, coercion and control;


AND WHEREAS on the morning of September 22, 2015, Carol Culleton, Anastasia Kuzyk and Nathalie Warmerdam were murdered by a former partner;


AND WHEREAS on June 28, 2022, a five-person jury established as part of a coroner’s inquest into the events of September 22, 2015, delivered 86 recommendations;


AND WHEREAS specific legislation addressing family and domestic violence has been passed by six provinces and three territories, however, to date Ontario has not implemented this type of legislation;




1.                     The Corporation of the City of Barrie declare a Gender Based, IPV epidemic and call on the Ontario Government to do the same, as per #1 of the Renfrew County Inquest.


2.                      This motion be distributed to the local MPs and MPPS, Solicitor General, Ministry of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity, Premier of Ontario, Barrie Police Services Board, Ontario Provincial Police, Association of Municipalities of Ontario, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.