Moved by: Councillor, A. Khan
Seconded by: Councillor, R. Romita
That motion 16-G-018 of Section "B" of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended by deleting 3 c) and 7 d ii) and renumbering the remaining portions of the paragraphs accordingly.
Moved by: Councillor, A. Khan
Seconded by: Councillor, R. Romita
That motion 16-G-018 of Section "B" of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended as follows:
a) That the following be added to paragraph 3:
"That Intake Form #1247 regarding the Grant Writing and Talent Provision Specialist representing the addition of 1 permanent position (pages 270-271) be deleted resulting in a net levy reduction of $68,879."; and
b) That the following be added to paragraph 7 d):
"Intake Form #1247 - Grant Writing and Talent Provision Specialist representing the addition of 1 permanent position (pages 270-271), representing a reduction of in the funding required from the Tax Capital Reserve of $9,020".
Mayor Lehman left the Chair at 7:21 p.m. and Acting Mayor Councillor B. Ward assumed the Chair.
Moved by: Mayor, J. Lehman
Seconded by: Councillor, R. Romita
That motion 16-G-018 of Section "B" of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended in paragraph 1 b) by adding the following words to the end of the sentence, "subject to the allocation of $1,500 of the $10,000 for historic neighbourhood street signs to identify the historic Kempenfel(d)t Village."
Moved by: Mayor, J. Lehman
Seconded by: Councillor, R. Romita
That motion 16-G-018 of Section "B" of the General Committee Report dated January 18, 2016 concerning the 2016 Business Plan be amended by:
a) Adding the following to paragraph 1:
"That the fee fo...
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