File #: 14-G-096    Version: Name:
Type: Staff Report Status: Carried
File created: 4/8/2014 In control: City Council
On agenda: 4/28/2014 Final action: 4/28/2014
Title: REZONING FROM GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C4) TO RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE SECOND DENSITY (RM2) AND DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATION FOR 196 BURTON AVENUE (WARD 8) AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, A. Khan Seconded by: Councillor, A. Nuttall That motion 14-G-096 of Section "D" of the Second General Committee Report dated April 14, 2014 concerning the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8) be amended by: a) Deleting 2 a) and replacing it with the following: "2. a) That condition 1 be deleted it its entirety and replaced with the following: "1 The owner/developer shall prepare the Final Plan of Subdivision on the basis of the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision, prepared by Rudy Mak Surveying Ltd., File No. 10892, dated revised Sept. 27, 2013, which illustrates Blocks 1-16 for Street Townhouses, Block 17 for Commercial, a road and a Future Medium Density Resi...
Attachments: 1. PLN012-14.pdf
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Moved by:  Councillor, A. Khan
Seconded by:  Councillor, A. Nuttall
That motion 14-G-096 of Section "D" of the Second General Committee Report dated April 14, 2014 concerning the Rezoning from General Commercial (C4) to Residential Multiple Second Density (RM2) and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application for 196 Burton Avenue (Ward 8) be amended by:
a)      Deleting 2 a) and replacing it with the following:
"2. a)      That condition 1 be deleted it its entirety and replaced with the following:
"1      The owner/developer shall prepare the Final Plan of Subdivision on the basis of the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision, prepared by Rudy Mak Surveying Ltd., File No. 10892, dated revised Sept. 27, 2013, which illustrates Blocks 1-16 for Street Townhouses, Block 17 for Commercial, a road and a Future Medium Density Residential Block."
b)      Adding the following to paragraph 2:
" 2. d)      That condition 3 be deleted;
2 e)      That condition 4 be amended by adding the words " and the future medium density block " after the reference to Blocks 4-8;
2 f)      That the draft plan conditions and references to conditions, be renumbered accordingly"
And that no further public notice be required in accordance with Section 34 (17) and 51 (47) of the Planning Act.
Upon the question of adoption of the original motion, moved by Councillor, B. Ainsworth and seconded by Councillor, A. Nuttall, the motion was CARRIED AS AMENDED by Amendment #1.