File #: 16-A-126    Version: Name:
Type: Deputation Status: Received
File created: 12/1/2016 In control: City Council
On agenda: 12/5/2016 Final action: 12/5/2016
Title: DEPUTATION REGARDING MOTION 16-G-277, APPLICATION FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - ADVANCE TECH DEVELOPMENTS - FIVE POINTS SITE (2-14 DUNLOP STREET WEST, 40-43 MAPLE AVENUE AND 30-40 BAYFIELD STREET) (WARD 2) Ms. Cathy Colebatch provided a deputation in opposition to motion 16-G-277 concerning an application for Zoning By-law Amendment by Advance Tech Developments for the Five Points Site (2-14 Dunlop Street West, 40-43 Maple Avenue and 30-40 Bayfield Street). Ms. Colebatch acknowledged the work that has been completed by City staff on the project to date. She noted that she was concerned about the impact she felt that the development may have on the historic downtown and Dunlop Street. Ms. Colebatch commented that she felt the proposed development would be large in scale and would not be respectful of the surrounding uses in the downtown. She remarked that building a 20-storey condominium on the Five Points site would not have a significant impact on growth projections and it would ...
Attachments: 1. 161205 Deputation - Advance Tech Developments 5 points site.pdf, 2. 161205 Deputation Advance Tech Developments - Additions.pdf
Related files: 16-G-035, TMP-15939, 16-G-277, 17-G-123




Ms. Cathy Colebatch provided a deputation in opposition to motion 16-G-277 concerning an application for Zoning By-law Amendment by Advance Tech Developments for the Five Points Site (2-14 Dunlop Street West, 40-43 Maple Avenue and 30-40 Bayfield Street).  Ms. Colebatch acknowledged the work that has been completed by City staff on the project to date.  She noted that she was concerned about the impact she felt that the development may have on the historic downtown and Dunlop Street.  Ms. Colebatch commented that she felt the proposed development would be large in scale and would not be respectful of the surrounding uses in the downtown.  She remarked that building a 20-storey condominium on the Five Points site would not have a significant impact on growth projections and it would set a precedent for future developments in the downtown.  She stated that all the potential growth in the corridors does not need to be in one building. 


Ms. Colebatch observed that the City is subject to Provincial and its own policies related to growth, but she feels that there are other options rather than constructing the 20-storey building on the site.  She requested that Council not approve the proposed amendment to the Zoning By-law, defer its vote and consider an alternative solution for the development.  Ms. Colebatch suggested that staff could continue to negotiate with the Developer to ensure the development is in the best interest of city planning.  Ms. Colebatch noted that she is not opposed to development in the downtown.  She discussed her concerns related to the reduced space for commercial uses and public gathering as well as her concerns related to the type of units and the amount of parking that is proposed. 


Ms. Colebatch reiterated her concerns regarding the scope of the project and how it will change the historic feeling of the downtown.  She commented that the Developer is requesting too many concessions in order for the proposed development to occur and that she feels that the proposed development does not conform with current City of Barrie Planning Policies.  Ms. Colebatch requested that consideration be given to ensuring that the development is complimentary to the existing neighbourthood, reducing the number of storeys permitted, protecting site lines from Bayfield Street and keeping the 3 metre buffer.  She also requested that consideration be given to reducing the number of units, reviewing the parking requirements and retaining or adjusting the percentage of commercial space.


In closing, Ms. Colebatch noted she felt that the current zoning of the property was created to represent a guideline for the future development that would be in the best interest of City planning and she felt that the City was being asked to compromise or negotiate too many details to allow for this development to occur.


Members of Council asked questions of Ms. Colebatch and City staff and received responses.