The following Emergency Deputations were provided concerning motion 20-G-032, Purchase of the Soapbox Art Piece:
1. Sean Barton advised that he has lived in Barrie for 20 years and that he feels it is a great place to live. He commented that he recently read about members of Council recommending the purchase of the Soapbox Art Piece at a cost of $15,000. Mr. Barton discussed his concerns related to the purchase including that the purchase is wasteful and that the funds should be going to important projects such as the completion of the Allandale Train Station. He further commented that it is an unnecessary expense and that it reflects poorly on Councillor’s decisions and the overall impression of City. Mr. Barton provided suggestions on ways to use this money including dedicating it to affordable housing or homelessness in the community. He also suggested engaging local artists for Public Art projects as he felt that the money will come back to the community. Mr. Barton concluded by reiterating that this is an unnecessary expense and the money can be put to better use elsewhere.
A member of Council asked a question to Mr. Barton and received a response.
2. Carol-Ann Ryan on behalf of the Barrie Public Art Committee provided clarification associated to the agreement with the artists of the Soapbox art piece and on the monies used as a part of the Barrie Public Art Committee budget.
Ms. Ryan provided her professional qualifications as a member of the Barrie Public Art Committee and she noted that the other Committee members’ backgrounds are from the art and design industry and interested community members. She discussed Barrie’s Public Art Policy wherein the Committee was created to secure art by commissioning new works, facilitating donations, and organizing temporary installations.
Ms. Ryan provided the details pertaining to the meaning and significance of the Soapbox art piece, the background of the artists that created the piece and the high quality, functionality and durability of the piece.
A member of Council asked a question to Ms. Ryan and received a response.