| 1 | | | Student/Mayor Item | Anna Owens of St. Peter’s Secondary School thanked members of City Council for the opportunity to serve as Student Mayor. She commented that she is proud to call Barrie her home. Anna acknowledged the direct impact municipal decisions have on the day to day of citizens lives. She stated that after serving as Student Mayor she has a better understanding how municipal government functions. Anna concluded by noting that she is excited about the City of Barrie’s future after serving as Student Mayor.
Jessica Zilney of Codrington Public School thanked members of City Council for the interesting experience of serving as Student Mayor. She noted that she has a better understanding of how issues and decisions are made by City Council. Jessica indicated that she will continue to watch Council on Monday evenings as she is interested in the outcomes associated with a number of matters.
Carey deGorter, Deputy City Clerk called upon Michael Wozniak of Kempenfelt Bay School and Karyssa Bradshaw of Ardagh Bluffs Public School to be sworn into office as Student Mayors.
After being swo | | |
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| 1 | | | Confirmation of Minutes | The minutes of the City Council meeting held on January 14, 2013 were adopted as printed and circulated. | | |
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| 1 | | | Deputation | Sue Ireland provided a deputation in opposition to motion 13-G-019 concerning the 2013 Business Plan. She stated that she opposed the addition of the change rooms at the Barrie Molson Centre to the 2013 Capital Plan. Ms. Ireland explained that she feels this project is at the expense of other projects that are needed for the community. She commented that the 2013 Capital Plan outlined the City’s most critical needs and the rationale for the recommended projects as well as the alignment with the City’s Strategic Plan. Ms. Ireland stated that she feels the planning process is pointless if it is not utilized. She noted that many other projects were deferred to future years and that the change rooms were not identified in the Capital Plan as a critical need. Ms. Ireland commented that she feels that the change room upgrades are not necessary as they do not address a safety concern and that other capital needs should be considered. Ms. Ireland noted that the item was not discussed until the previous week and commented that she feels the bid for the Memorial Cup is not necessary for | | |
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| 1 | | | Deputation | Angela Baldwin, Chair of Theatre by the Bay provided a deputation in opposition to motion 13-G-019 concerning the 2013 Business Plan. She noted that she is opposed to the proposed $50,000 reduction to the Cultural Grants Program. She explained that she believes in the value of culture in the community and acknowledged that the arts community has been visibly vibrant in the past few years. Ms. Baldwin attributed a portion of the vibrancy to the Cultural Grants Program. She commented that she believes that culture is the heartbeat of a community and is a major economic driver. She stated that one of the main goals of Barrie’s Strategic Plan is to attract new businesses and professionals to the City. Ms. Baldwin noted that she believes the quality of life is a reason someone would choose to live in Barrie and that culture is a key component to the quality of life. Ms. Baldwin observed that the Strategic Plan includes creating a vibrant city centre and stated that she believes the Mady Centre has provided a home for the arts and brings people downtown. Ms Baldwin provided the hi | | |
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| 1 | | | Deputation | Claudine Benoit provided a deputation on behalf of the Barrie Film Festival in opposition to motion 13-G-019 concerning the 2013 Business Plan. She explained that the Barrie Film Festival is a not for profit organization and explained the composition of the group. Ms. Benoit noted that the Barrie Film Festival has received cultural grants in the past. She explained that the cultural grant represented 11% of their 2012 operating budget. Ms. Benoit described in detail the various programs the Barrie Film Festival offers and its participation in various community events. She noted that they have expanded their sponsorship program year over year and that they make an effort to spend locally. Ms. Benoit explained that the Barrie Film Festival intends to continue to expand their initiatives in the upcoming years. She acknowledged the City’s support for culture. She concluded by stating that she hopes the information she provided to City Council will help them understand the importance of cultural grants to the Barrie Film Festival and other groups involved in the arts.
Members o | | |
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| 1 | | | Deputation | Jill Price provided a Deputation to City Council in opposition to motion 13-G-019, concerning the 2013 Business Plan. She explained that she is a Visual Arts Specialist, a professional artist and a past recipient of a $2,000 emerging artist grant. Ms. Price requested that City Council re-instate the proposed $50,000 reduction to the Cultural Grants Program. She noted that there are overwhelming statistics offered by various economic studies that demonstrate the economic value of investing in arts and culture and provided examples. Ms. Price requested that the Cultural Grants Program no longer be looked as an expenditure but as a guaranteed investment for the City of Barrie. She commented that she feels that arts and culture are an integral part of the strategy to revitalize Downtown Barrie. Ms. Price indicated that the City does not require a study or consultant to confirm that the current cultural plan adopted by City Council is working. She provided examples of how her business in the downtown core supports the local economy. Ms. Price described the benefits the cultural gra | | |
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| 1 | | | Deputation | Damian Lopes provided a deputation to City Council on behalf of the Barrie Arts and Culture Council in opposition to motion 13-G-019 concerning the 2013 Business Plan. He explained that he is a published poet and aspiring novelist who is a fortunate recipient of cultural grants from the City of Barrie, the Ontario Arts Council, Canadian Council for the Arts and the Toronto Arts Council. He provided the mandate for the Barrie Arts and Culture Council and noted that the Council is funded by the City and meets with the Department of Culture on a regular basis. Mr. Lopes indicated that he feels the artists want to work together and collaborate to find a solution to be able to compete in today’s economy. He noted the relationship between arts and culture and the variety, quality and quantity of stores and restaurants in downtown Barrie, observing that arts and culture have made a significant difference to the downtown and the City as a whole. Mr. Lopes indicated that he believes the Cultural Plan is in place to develop and support the arts and calls for investment in the community. | | |
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| 1 | | | Deputation | Ted Fullerton provided a deputation to City Council on behalf of the Campus Gallery/Culture Barrie in opposition to motion 13-G-019 concerning the 2013 Business Plan. He noted that he is an active member of the cultural community, a Professor of Fine Arts and the Head of the Design and Visual Art Department at Georgian College. Mr. Fullerton explained that he is a Board Member for the McLaren Art Centre and has been an advocate for the cultural health in Barrie for many years. He expressed concern regarding the proposed $50,000 reduction to the Cultural Grants Program. Mr. Fullerton indicated that he feels it is important to focus on the facts and explained that the Ontario Arts Council released a report in 2012 entitled Ontario Arts and Culture Tourism Profile. He commented that the report provides a comprehensive profile of Ontario’s arts and culture tourists. He quoted statistics from the report regarding information on the number, characteristics and impact of Ontario’s arts and culture tourists. He concluded by commending City Council for their dedication to arts and cult | | |
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| 1 | | | Committee Report | General Committee Report dated January 21, 2013, Sections A and B (APPENDIX “A”). | | |
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The Finance and Corporate Services Committee Report dated January 16, 2013 was received. (File: C05) | Received | Pass |
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| 2 | | | Staff Report | 2013 BUSINESS PLAN (CONSOLIDATED VERSION)
1. That the 2013 tax-supported base operating budget for municipal operations, with total gross expenditures of $161.5 million and a net property tax levy requirement of $108.2 million be approved with the following amendments to reflect changes since the Business Plan’s publication on December 19, 2012 and with the following amendment(s) to the document presented to General Committee on January 21, 2013:
a) That the advertising budgets for the Economic Development and Communications and Strategic Initiatives Departments be reduced by $40,000 and $30,000 respectively;
b) That the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit budget be reduced by $76,952 to match the updated funding request included in its draft 2013 budget;
c) That the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority’s budget be reduced by $3,193 to reflect the updated funding request included in its draft 2013 budget; and
d) That $92,500, representing project savings from the now-completed Parkview Seniors Centre capital projects, be returned to the Tax Capital Reserve;
e) | Adopted As Amended | Pass |
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BY-LAW 2013-022
| 1 | | | By-Law | Bill #022
A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to adopt an amendment to the Official Plan (O.P.A. No. 22). (12-G-354) (Application for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - North American (Park Place) Corporation - 100 Mapleview Drive East (Ward 8) (File: D14-1542/D09-OPA22) | Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed | Pass |
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BY-LAW 2013-023
| 1 | | | By-Law | Bill #023
A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141 and By-law 2010-130, land use control by-laws to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (12-G-354) (Application for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - North American (Park Place) Corporation - 100 Mapleview Drive East) (Ward 8) (PLN049-12) (File: D14-1542/D09-OPA22) | Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed | Pass |
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BY-LAW 2013-024
| 1 | | | By-Law | Bill #026
A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to acquire Part of Park Lot 10, Plan 20, being Part 10 on Plan 51R-38461, City of Barrie, County of Simcoe from Gwen Gennings and to establish same as part of the municipal highway system. (05-G-338) (Gwen Gennings) (CLK005-05) (File: D14-1523) | Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed | Pass |
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BY-LAW 2013-025
| 1 | | | By-Law | Bill #027
A By-law of The Corporation of The City of Barrie to expropriate the lands described as Part of Lot 24, Concession 6, former Township of Vespra, now City of Barrie, being part of PIN 58766-0007 (LT) further described as Part 33 on Reference Plan 51R-33865. (12-G-042) (Simcoe Muskoka District Catholic School Board - 97 Ferndale Drive North) (File: L07-798) | Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed | Pass |
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BY-LAW 2013-026
| 1 | | | By-Law | Bill #028
A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141 and By-law 2010-130, land use control by-laws to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (12-G-354) (Application for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment - North American (Park Place) Corporation - 100 Mapleview Drive East) (Ward 8) (File: D14-1542/D09-OPA22) | Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed | |
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BY-LAW 2013-027
| 1 | | | By-Law | Bill #029
A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 28th day of January, 2013. | Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed | Pass |
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