Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/8/2015 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
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15-A-071 2  Student/Mayor ItemCOMMENTS FROM OUTGOING STUDENT MAYORS Lisa Lavalle of Innisdale Secondary School thanked Mayor Lehman and members of Council for the incredible opportunity to act as Student Mayor. She noted that she found the experience beneficial to her learning and the way she views the City. Lisa commented that she gained firsthand valuable insight into the proposals for the future of the City including second-suites and the Barrie Farmers Market. She noted that she now understands the depth and complexity of every decision made at Council. Lisa expressed that she is fortunate to have taken part in the opportunity of being a Student Mayor, as she became more connected to Barrie. She also thanked members of Council for all their hard work in making the City of Barrie a city that residents could be proud of. In closing, Lisa thanked the administration at Innisdale Secondary School for selecting her as Student Mayor and commented that she felt honoured. Michael Paul of W.C. Little Elementary School thanked Mayor Lehman, members of Council and the residents of Barrie for providing himTerm Completed  Action details Not available
15-A-072 2  Confirmation of MinutesThe minutes of the City Council meeting held on May 25, 2015 were adopted as printed and circulated.Adopted as printed and circulated  Action details Not available
15-A-073 2  Presentation - AC/RCRECOGNITION OF SERGEANT VALERIE GATES, BARRIE POLICE SERVICE, RECIPIENT OF THE 2015 PARKS AND RECREATION ONTARIO (PRO) AWARD OF EXCELLENCE FOR HIGH FIVE INNOVATION Mayor Lehman recognized Sergeant Valerie Gates of the Barrie Police Service as the recipient of the 2015 Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) Award of Excellence for HIGH FIVE Innovation. He advised that the award recognizes organizations, programs or individuals, which implement HIGH FIVE and the Principles of Healthy Child Development in a unique and innovative way. Mayor Lehman congratulated the City’s Recreation Services Department and Barrie Police Service for incorporating the programme into the Junior Constable camp. Mr. Larry Kecheson, CEO of Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) thanked Mayor Lehman, members of Council and Police Chief Kimberly Greenwood for the opportunity to present the award. Mr. Kecheson noted that the HIGH FIVE Innovation Award recognizes organizations, programmes or individuals that use standards to enhance original ideas and initiatives with the intention of providing quality and posiReceived  Action details Not available
15-A-074 2  Presentation - AC/RCPRESENTATION TO THE RECIPIENTS OF THE 2015 ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION BARRIE AWARDS Walter Fischer, Supervisor of Parks Planning and Development provided an overview of the Active Transportation Program. Mr. Fischer discussed what is considered to be active transportation and that the most popular forms are walking and cycling. He provided background information concerning the establishment of Barrie’s Active Transportation Plan and advised that the awards were last presented in 2011. On behalf of the City of Barrie, Mayor Lehman presented the 2015 Active Transportation Barrie Awards to the following recipients: · Robb Meier · Sherrie Osmond · Linda Middleton · Nancy Leach · Shannon Ranka · John Nicholson, Principal, Emma King Elementary School · Peter McKenna, Principal, Portage View Public School · Granziano Vavala, Principal, St. Gabriel the Archangel Catholic School · Grant Wilson · Max DerdallReceived  Action details Not available
15-A-075 2  DeputationDEPUTATION BY ALAN MCNAIR ON BEHALF OF THE BRERETON FIELD NATURALISTS’ CLUB REGARDING MOTION 15-G-129, WATERFRONT AND MARINA STRATEGIC PLAN Mr. Alan McNair on behalf of the Brereton Field Naturalists’ Club, provided a deputation in opposition to motion 15-G-129 concerning The Waterfront and Marina Strategic Plan. Mr. McNair provided details on three areas of concern as follows: 1) A suggestion to include adding more principles from the Crombie Royal Commission on the Toronto Waterfront to the City’s list of ideologies; 2) A reduction in the proposed number of commercial buildings in the waterfront parks; and 3) The preservation of The Gables Park as a natural “Urban Wilderness”. In closing, Mr. McNair requested that endorsement of the Waterfront and Marina Strategic Plan be deferred as it applies to Gables Park. Mr. McNair extended an invitation to all members of Council to walk through The Gables before the Waterfront and Marina Strategic Plan proposals are endorsed. Members of Council asked a number of questions and received responses from City staff.Received  Action details Not available
15-A-076 1  Committee Report First General Committee Report dated June 1, 2015, Sections A and B (APPENDIX “A”).Received  Action details Not available
15-G-118 2  Staff Report 2015 B.P.F.F.A. CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS Councillor, J. Brassard declared a potential pecuniary interest concerning the foregoing matter as he is employed as a Firefighter. He did not participate in the discussion or vote on the question. He remained in his seat in the Council Chamber.Received  Action details Not available
15-A-077 1  Committee Report Second General Committee Report dated June 1, 2015, Sections A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H (APPENDIX “B”).Received  Action details Not available
15-G-120 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE, INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE DATED MAY 26, 2015.Received  Action details Not available
15-G-121 2  Staff Report NAMING RIGHTS FOR THEATREAdopted  Action details Not available
15-G-122 2  Staff Report PROVIDING SOURCE PROTECTION SERVICES - PILOT PROGRAMAdopted  Action details Not available
15-G-123 2  CorrespondenceCAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORTAdopted  Action details Not available
15-G-124 2  Staff Report 2014 PURCHASING ACTIVITY REPORTAdopted  Action details Not available
15-G-127 2  Presentation - AC/RCPRESENTATION REGARDING CORPORATE TECHNOLOGYReceived  Action details Not available
15-G-128 2  Presentation - AC/RCPRESENTATION - WATERFRONT AND MARINA STRATEGIC PLANReceived  Action details Not available
15-G-129 3  Item of DiscussionWATERFRONT AND MARINA STRATEGIC PLANAdopted  Action details Not available
15-G-130 2  Staff Report MEDICAL MARIHUANA FACILITIES AMENDMENT # 1 Moved by: Councillor B. Ainsworth Seconded by: Councillor J. Brassard That staff review the potential to include provisions within the proposed Medical Marihuana Facility Licensing By-law for the collection of information regarding specific personnel associated with such facility operations to allow Barrie Police Service to undertake their own crime prevention and law enforcement activities, and provide a memorandum on the results of such review, prior to Council’s consideration of the By-law. LOST Upon the question of the original motion moved by Councillor A. Khan and seconded by Councillor, J. Brassard, the motion CARRIED.Adopted  Action details Not available
15-G-131 2  Staff Report YEAR ROUND DOWNTOWN PUBLIC MARKET - REPORT ON THE FEASIBILITY STUDYAdopted  Action details Not available
15-G-132 2  Staff Report BARRIE BAYCATS BASEBALL CLUB FACILITY USE AGREEMENTAdopted  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2015-051 1  By-LawBill #046 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to adopt an amendment to the Official Plan (O.P.A.#43). (15-G-026) (Bonusing Policies) (PLN004-15) (File: D08TE-BON)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2015-052 1  By-LawBill #053 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 89-86 being a by-law to designate private roadways as Emergency Fire Routes along which no parking of vehicles shall be permitted. (05-G-514) (Fire Routes - 555 Essa Road - Holly Meadows, 750 Big Bay Point Road - Fernbrook Homes, 50 Concert Way - Cabela’s, 494 Big Bay Point Road - Yonge and Big Bay Point Developments and Crew Court - SCECC 395 Ardagh Bluffs) (CLK105-05) (File: P19-FI)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2015-053 1  By-LawBill #055 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to authorize an extension agreement with a land owner or tenant extending the period of time in which the cancellation price for a tax arrears certificate is to be paid. (15-G-102) (Tax Arrears Extension Agreement - 81 Patterson Road) (Ward 4) (FIN010-15) (File: F00)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2015-054 1  By-LawBill #058 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 8th day of June, 2015.Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available