Meeting Name: General Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/24/2011 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
11-G-288 3  CorrespondenceAPPLICATION FOR A REZONING - B.E. GROUP - 185-205 DUNLOP STREET EAST (October 24, 2011) (File: D14-1521) Ray Duhamel of The Jones Consulting Group, noted that the purpose of the Public Meeting is to discuss an application for a rezoning submitted by the Jones Consulting Group on behalf of the applicant, B. E. Group on lands owned by Erkki Laakonnen. The lands are located on the south side of Dunlop Street East, east of Bayview Park and the closed portion of Poyntz Street and known municipally as 185-205 Dunlop Street East. He explained that the rezoning application submitted proposes to rezone the lands from Central Area 1 (C1-1) to Central Area 2 (C1-2SP) in order to allow for a maximum building height of 46 metres, whereas the current zoning of the subject lands permits a maximum building height of 30 metres. He commented that the applicant intends on amending the building height to 39.56 metres as opposed to the 46 metres included in the application. Mr. Duhamel noted that the SP, Special Provision would allow the maximum building height to exceed that which is permitted inrecommended for receipt (Section "A")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-289 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE ORDER OF THE SPIRIT CATCHER COMMITTEE DATED OCTOBER 3, 2011 The Report of the Order of the Spirit Catcher Committee dated October 3, 2011 was received. (File:C05)recommended for receipt (Section "B")  Action details Not available
11-G-290 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE DATED OCTOBER 17, 2011 The Report of the Chief Administrative Officer Recruitment Committee dated October 17, 2011 was received. (File:C05)recommended for receipt (Section "B")  Action details Not available
11-G-291 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE DATED OCTOBER 18, 2011 The Report of the Finance and Corporate Services Committee dated October 18, 2011 was received as amended with respect to the Committee members in attendance. (File: C05)recommended for receipt (Section "B")  Action details Not available
11-G-292 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE DATED OCTOBER 19, 2011 The Report of the Community Services Committee dated October 19, 2011 was received. (File: C05)recommended for receipt (Section "B")  Action details Not available
11-G-293 1  Committee Report EXTENSION OF CONTRACT - J. BABULIC That in light of the timing associated with the recruitment process for the new Chief Administrative Officer for The Corporation of the City of Barrie, the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute an extension of Jon M. Babulic’s current contract as Chief Administrative Officer for a maximum of one month following the start date of the new Chief Administrative Officer and ending no later than February 1, 2012, if necessary, subject to the same terms and conditions included in the current contract.recommended for adoption (Section "C")  Action details Not available
11-G-295 2  Staff Report 2010 AUDITED CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTSrecommended for adoption (Section "D")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-296 1  Staff Report DUNLOP STREET WEST TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS ADDENDUM (MILLER DRIVE/TIFFIN STREET TO FERNDALE DRIVE) - MUNICIPAL CLASS EA, PHASES 3 AND 4 That in accordance with the requirements of the Class EA process, the Notice of Completion for the Dunlop Street Class EA (Ferndale to Miller) be republished to include the preferred alternative alignment for Dyments Creek south of Dunlop Street and west of Ferndale Drive per Alternative 4 as identified in Staff Report ENG043-11. (ENG043-11) (File: T05-DU)recommended for adoption (Section "D")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-297 1  Staff Report FIVE POINTS AND AREA TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS - MUNICIPAL CLASS EA, PHASES 1 AND 2 1. That the Preferred Alternative for the Five Points and Area Transportation Improvements Municipal Class EA Phase 1 and 2 (Class EA) be as follows: a) No changes to the Five Points Intersection; and b) Traffic Signals be installed at the intersection of Clapperton Street and Collier Street. 2. That staff monitor west bound left turns from Collier Street to south bound Bayfield Street and report back to General Committee when left turn restrictions are required within a 10 year time horizon. (ENG044-11) (File T05-FI)recommended for adoption (Section "D")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-298 1  Staff Report MAPLEVIEW WATER TOWER ICING MITIGATION SOLUTION 1. That the Mapleview Water Tower Icing Mitigation Preferred Solution for a Drain and Gutter installation be authorized to proceed in 2011, with the additional amount required of $310,000 funded from the Water Rate Reserve 12-05-0580. 2. That a sole source contract be negotiated with Landmark Municipal Services to construct the Mapleview Water Tower Icing Mitigation Preferred Solution for a Drain and Gutter installation in an amount not to exceed $250,000. (ENG046-11) (File: A19-MAP)recommended for adoption (Section "D")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-299 1  Staff Report PARKING PROHIBITION ON SHEILA WAY That By-law 80-138, Schedule “A”, “No Parking Any Time” be amended by adding the following: “Sheila Way East side from a point 30 metres north of Forest Dale Drive to a point 44 metres north and east thereof.” (ENG051-11) (File: T02-PA)recommended for adoption (Section "D")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-300 1  Staff Report DESIGNATION OF OVERALL RESPONSIBLE OPERATOR(S) AND OPERATOR(S)-IN-CHARGE FOR BARRIE’S WASTEWATER FACILITIES 1. That as owners of the Barrie Wastewater Facilities (in accordance with the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA), O. Reg. 129/04, Licensing of Sewage Works Operators), the Overall Responsible Operator(s) (ORO) and Operator(s)-in-charge (OIC) be designated in accordance with the procedure attached as Appendix “A” to Staff Report ENV001-11. 2. That authority be provided to Barrie’s Line Management as detailed in Appendix “A” to Staff Report ENV001-11, OWRA to designate Overall Responsible Operator(s) and Operator(s)-in-Charge for its Wastewater Facilities in accordance with the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA), O. Reg. 129/04, Licensing of Sewage Works Operators. (ENV001-11) (File: E00)recommended for adoption (Section "D")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-301 1  Item of DiscussionBARRIE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE - PRESENTATION That representatives of the Barrie Community Health Centre be invited to make a presentation at a future meeting of City Council to provide information concerning the organization and the services they provide. (Item for Discussion 6.1, October 24, 2011) (File: C00)recommended for adoption (Section "D")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-302 1  Item of DiscussionCOMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC AND TRADE AGREEMENT WHEREAS the Government of Canada and the European Union have been negotiating a trade agreement known as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA); AND WHEREAS the Canada-European Union relationship holds great potential for growing Canada’s trade and collective prosperity; AND WHEREAS the Council has been made aware that some members of our community have concern regarding the impact of CETA negotiations currently underway between Canada and the European Union; AND WHEREAS the City of Barrie supports the guiding principles as set out by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and endorsed by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City of Barrie requests the Federal Government and the Province of Ontario to continue to ensure that the municipal sectors’ interests are represented in the ongoing negotiations. 2. That the Federal Government’s negotiations ensure that the FCM guiding principles will be fully reflected in any trade agreemenrecommended for adoption (Section "D")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-303 2  Staff Report CONFIDENTIAL DISPOSITION OF PROPERTY MATTER - COLLIER STREET That motion 11-G-303 contained within the confidential notes of the General Committee Report dated October 24, 2011 concerning a confidential disposition of property matter - Collier Street, be adopted. (IDC012-11) (File: L00) Councillor B. Jackson declared a potential pecuniary interest in the foregoing matter as he is Vice President of the firm that has been contracted to be a sub-consultant to the purchaser of the land. He did not participate, discuss or vote on the matter and he remained in the Council Chamber.recommended for adoption (Section "E")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-304 1  Staff Report LAKE SIMCOE REGIONAL AIRPORT - STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN RECOMMENDATION That the Lake Simcoe Regional Airport Inc. Strategic Development Plan dated May 2011, be adopted. (EDO005-11) (File: C00)recommended for adoption (Section "F")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-305 3  Staff Report PARKING PROHIBITION ON QUANCE STREET That the following motion be referred to the Transportation and Economic Development Committee for consideration: “That By-law 80-138, Schedule “A”, “No Parking Any Time” be amended by adding the following: “Quance Street Both sides from Mapleton Avenue to a point 30 metres south thereof” “Quance Street Both sides from Warner Road to a point 30 metres east thereof” “Quance Street West side from a point 49 metres south of Mapleton Avenue to a point 38 metres south and west thereof” “Quance Street North side from a point 49 metres east of Warner Road to a point 33 metres east thereof” (ENG027-11) (File: T02-PA)recommended for adoption (Section "G")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-306 2  CorrespondenceBARRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY REQUEST TO SUPPORT HISTORY OF THE CITY That the correspondence from the Barrie Historical Association dated October 11, 2011 concerning a request for advice, assistance and support in the preservation and display of the history of the City be referred to staff in the Infrastructure, Development and Culture Division for consideration. (Circulation List, October 17, 2011, C10) (File: A00)recommended for adoption (Section "H")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-307 3  CorrespondenceREQUEST FOR PLANNING APPLICATION FEES TO BE WAIVED - SIERRA VISTA HOLDINGS LTD. That the correspondence from Celeste Phillips Planning Inc. regarding a request for planning application fees to be waived - Sierra Vista Holdings Ltd. - 650 Big Bay Point Road and 63 Kell Place be referred to the Finance and Corporate Services Committee for consideration. (Circulation list, October 17, 2011, C19)recommended for adoption (Section "H")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-308 2  Item of DiscussionCONFIDENTIAL POTENTIAL ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY MATTER - VESPRA, BRADFORD, INNISFIL, DUNLOP STREET AREArecommended for adoption (Section "I")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-309 2  Presentation - AC/RCCONFIDENTIAL - SOLICITOR-CLIENT ADVICE PRESENTATION RELATED TO GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROJECT. That motion 11-G-309 contained within the confidential notes of the General Committee Report dated October 24, 2011 concerning confidential solicitor-client advice related to growth management, be received. (Information Item) (File: L00)recommended for receipt (Section "J")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-310 1  Staff Report CONFIDENTIAL POTENTIAL LITIGATION MATTER RELATED TO GROWTH MANAGEMENTrecommended for adoption (Section "K")Pass Action details Not available
11-G-311 1  Staff Report CONFIDENTIAL SOLICITOR-CLIENT ADVICE RELATED TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROJECTrecommended for receipt (Section "L")Pass Action details Not available