| 2 | | | Staff Report | DOWNTOWN BARRIE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (BIA) GOVERNANCE BY-LAW AND RELATED DOCUMENTS | recommended for consideration of adoption (Section “A”) | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Staff Report | HERITAGE PARK MASTER PLAN | recommended for consideration of adoption (Section “A”) | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Staff Report | CAPITAL PROJECT STATUS REPORT | recommended for consideration of adoption (Section “A”) | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Staff Report | TEMPORARY DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER | recommended for consideration of adoption (Section “A”) | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Item of Discussion | PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON GEDDES CRESCENT | recommended for consideration of adoption (Section “A”) | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Item of Discussion | CFB BORDEN REQUEST FOR SUPPORT FOR THE 2022 CANADIAN ARMED FORCES DAY AND AIR SHOW | recommended for consideration of adoption (Section “A”) | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Staff Report | NEEDLE COLLECTION KIOSK PILOT PROGRAM - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION | recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B") | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Staff Report | TENANT WATER BILLING
Councillor, S. Morales advised that in consultation with the Integrity Commissioner concerning his code obligations under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act that he is declaring a potential pecuniary interest in the foregoing matter as he can be financially impacted as he is a landlord. He did not participate or vote on the foregoing matter. He left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter.
Councillor, J. Harris declared a potential pecuniary interest in the foregoing matter as he can be financially impacted and is a landlord. He left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter.
Moved by: Councillor, G. Harvey
Seconded by: Councillor, M. McCann
That motion 22-G-116 of Section “C” of the Second General Committee Report dated May 30, 2022 be deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following:
1. That Staff Report FIN008-22 dated May 30, 2022 concerning Tenant Water Billing be received for information.
2. That staff in the Finance Department include any proposed changes and account set-up | recommended for adoption (Section "C") | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Item of Discussion | COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE | recommended for adoption (Section "D") | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Item of Discussion | ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY
That the Director of Economic and Creative Development present to Council on June 27, 2022, and provide a memorandum within 60 days, detailing the following:
a) Expectations for economic growth and housing affordability in 2022;
b) Business attraction/retention in 2022;
c) Areas where businesses have asked for assistance during the 2018-2022 term;
d) Business prospects including successes, lessons learned and potential outcomes for 2022;
e) Barrie’s competitive advantages and disadvantages provided through business feedback;
f) Methodology that Barrie uses to build investor confidence;
g) Number of housing units approved in 2022 and the potential number of units to be built; and
h) Rationale to why the number of units approved are not all slated for construction. (Item for Discussion 8.4, May 30, 2022) | recommended for adoption (Section "E") | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Item of Discussion | PAN HANDLING AND CRIMINAL ACTIVITY
Councillor, G. Harvey declared that to remain in compliance with his statutory obligations under Section 17(3) of the Police Services Act he was unable to participate in the discussions or vote on the foregoing matter. He left the Council Chambers.
Moved by: Councillor, K. Aylwin
Seconded by: Councillor, N. Harris
That motion 22-G-119 of Section “F” of the Second General Committee Report dated May 30, 2022 be amended by deleting paragraph 3 and replace with the following:
“3. That correspondence be sent to the OPP requesting them to connect with outreach workers in Barrie to follow-up with the needs of citizens staying within encampments along the Highway 400 ramps in order to address safety concerns as they arise and that a compassionate approach be taken in supporting people in these areas.”
Moved by: Councillor, K. Aylwin
Seconded by: Councillor, N. Harris
That motion 22-G-119 of Section “F” of the Second General Committee Report dated May 30, 2022 be amended by adding the following paragraph:
“8. That | recommended for adoption (Section "F") | |
Action details
Not available