Meeting Name: General Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/17/2014 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
14-G-256 1  Confirmation of MinutesORDER OF THE SPIRIT CATCHER COMMITTEE REPORT DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 2014.   Action details Not available
14-G-257 1  CorrespondenceFINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT DATED NOVEMBER 10, 2014.   Action details Not available
14-G-258 1  CorrespondencePERSONAL INFORMATION MATTER - AWARD RECIPIENT RECOMMENDATIONS That the individuals identified in the confidential notes for the Report of the Order of the Spirit Catcher Committee dated September 29, 2014 be awarded the 2014 Order of the Spirit Catcher Awards and the 2014 Youth Spirit Catcher Award. (File: C05)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
14-G-259 1  Staff Report ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY POLICY - REVIEW AND UPDATE That the updated Accountability and Transparency policy attached as Appendix "A" to Staff Report CLK004-14 be adopted. (CLK004-14) (File: A09)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
14-G-260 1  Staff Report 2013 PURCHASING ACTIVITY REPORTrecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
14-G-261 1  Staff Report RENAMING, RENUMBERING AND CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF DUCKWORTH STREET (WARD 3) 1. That the portion of Duckworth Street east of JC Massie Way be renamed to Brereton and that properties fronting onto this portion be renumbered appropriately. 2. That the affected property owners be advised of their new property number and be requested to post the new numbers on their properties. 3. That the portion of Duckworth Street between JC Massie Way and the 400 southbound ramp to Duckworth Street as well as the portion of Cundles Road East, east of Duckworth Street be permanently closed, but retained in the City's ownership. (PLN030-14) (File: T00)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
14-G-262 1  Staff Report TAXI PARKING FRED GRANT STREET (WARD 2) That Traffic By-law 80-138 Schedule “E” “Taxicab Stands” be amended by adding the following: “Fred Grant Street Dunlop Street to 12:00 a.m to 4:00 a.m Southerly Side Dunlop Street Seven (7) days a week.” (RPF016-14) (File: T02-PA)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
14-G-263 1  Item of DiscussionLOWERING OF SPEED LIMITS ON RESIDENTIAL STREETS ACROSS THE PROVINCE That a letter be sent to the Premier of Ontario, the Ministry of Transportation, the City of Kingston and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario supporting the Ontario Ministry of Transportation's consideration of lowering of the speed limit on residential streets to 40 kilometres per hour. (C5, Circulation List September 29, 2014) (Item for Discussion 8.1, November 17, 2014) (File: T00)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
14-G-264 1  Item of DiscussionINVESTIGATION - PARKING PROHIBITION - BRIGHTON ROAD (WARD 1) That staff in the Roads, Parks and Fleet Department investigate the feasibility of prohibiting overnight parking permanently on Brighton Road and report back to General Committee. (Item for Discussion, 8.2, November 17, 2014) (File: T00)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
14-G-265 1  Item of DiscussionREVIEW OF INTERSECTIONS - ADAM STREET AND DOWNSVIEW STREET AND ADAM STREET AND VARDEN AVENUE (WARD 1) That staff in the Roads, Parks and Fleet Department review the intersections at Adam Street and Downsview Street and Adam Street and Varden Avenue for potential traffic safety measures such as the installation of stop signs, and report back to General Committee. (Item for Discussion, 8.3, November 17, 2014) (File: T00)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section “A”)  Action details Not available
14-G-266 1  Item of DiscussionREVIEW OF THE INTERSECTION OF DUNSMORE LANE AND LARKIN DRIVE (WARD 1) That staff in the Roads, Parks and Fleet Department review the intersection of Dunsmore Lane and Larkin Drive to improve traffic movements and sightlines and report back to General Committee with respect to any corrective actions that may be required. (Item for Discussion 8.4, November 17, 2014) (File: T00)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
14-G-267 1  Staff Report COLLIER CENTRE - LEASE OF CITY RIGHT OF WAY FOR PRIVATE OUTDOOR PATIOS (WARD 2) 1. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into a lease agreement with the Mady Development Corporation for the construction, use and maintenance of City right of way on the east side of Mulcaster Street for proposed outdoor patios. 2. That the following be included as the terms and conditions of such lease: a) That a total of 1,274 square feet (SF) of City land be leased as identified in Appendix “A” to Staff Report PLN032-14; b) That the lease rate be established at $0.50/SF per month, subject to yearly increases and in accordance with the Consumer Price Index; c) That the lands be leased for a term of 15 years; d) That upon termination of the lease, Mady be responsible for reinstatement of the City right-of-way to the satisfaction of the City; e) That Mady provide proof of liability insurance in the amount of a minimum of $2M per occurrence, with a general aggregate of not less than $5M, naming the City as additional insured; and f) That Mady be responsible for all recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available