Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/11/2016 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-A-001 2  By-LawSWEARING IN OF NEW STUDENT MAYORS Wendy Cooke, Deputy City Clerk called upon Isabel Alonso Vilarino of Innisdale Secondary School to be sworn into office as Student Mayor. After being sworn into office, Isabel assumed her seat next to Mayor Lehman. He introduced the members of City Council and noted that the members of City staff and representatives of the community’s media were also in attendance.   Action details Not available
16-A-002 2  Confirmation of MinutesThe minutes of the City Council meeting held on December 14, 2015 were adopted as printed and circulated.   Action details Not available
16-A-003 2  Awards and RecognitionRECOGNITION OF CITY STAFF FOR THEIR ACTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH SAVING A LIFE AT THE ALLANDALE RECREATION CENTRE Mayor Lehman called upon Stephanie Piette, Samantha Sircelj, Robin Rankin, Lida Austin, Colin Hullah and Vivian Grof to join him at the podium to be recognized for their lifesaving efforts at Allandale Recreation Centre on October 16, 2015. Mayor Lehman described the actions of each of the individuals who contributed to the lifesaving effort highlighting that Stephanie Piette, a fitness instructor determined that the gentleman was beginning to lose consciousness and notified Lida Austin, Recreation Programmer who notified the Faciltiy Staff of the incident via radio and called 911. He also noted that Facility staff Colin Hullah and Samantha Sircelj rushed onto the scene as the man lost consciousness, and that Samantha retrieved the automatic external defibrillator (AED) as Colin began CP. Mayor Lehman commented that Recreation Programmers Robin Rankin and Vivian Grof arrived onto the scene and assisted with CPR while applying the AED. Mayor Lehman indicated that    Action details Not available
16-A-004 2  Awards and RecognitionM.P. JOHN BRASSARD REGARDING AN UPDATE ON FEDERAL MATTERS John Brassard, MP Barrie-Innisfil provided an update on Federal Matters. He advised that his constituency office located at 420 Huronia Road, Unit 204 B is now open and fully staffed and is next door to the office of Alex Nuttall MP Barrie-Springwater-Oro-Medonte. MP Brassard commented that it was an honour to address City Council and he will provide regular updates on Federal matters for his four years in office. He discussed his commitment to communicate with residents and how he cherishes his relationship with his residents as well as with members of Council. He observed the challenges that cities such as Barrie face including the infrastructure deficit funding and spoke of the various contributions of the previous Conservative government and projects in south Barrie and the projects. MP Brassard commented on initiatives of the new Liberal Government including funding towards municipal infrastructure. He discussed his role as Urban Affairs Critic as well as some of the challenges he feels the City of Barrie w   Action details Not available
16-A-005 2  DeputationDEPUTATION BY ROCCO FUDA REGARDING MOTION 16-G-014, SALE OF 625 WELHAM ROAD - CITY INDUSTRIAL LAND (WARD 8) Mr. Rocco Fuda of the Italian Bakery provided a deputation in opposition to motion 16-G-011 concerning the sale of 625 Welham Road - City Industrial Land. Mr. Fuda commented the sale of the land has been ongoing for two years and that it is not his intention to create conflict between him and the other party purchasing the land. He stated that he is requesting an additional 90 days in order to complete road studies on Mapleview Avenue. Mr. Fuda provided a slide presentation with an artist’s rendering of the building he proposed for the 625 Welham Road site. He advised that he owns the adjacent property on Mapleview Avenue and detailed his purchase of the Mapleview property and his past discussions with City staff on the potential to purchase the adjacent property at 625 Welham Road. Mr. Fuda provided slides with pictures of the Mapleview property and discussed the impediments of the Mapleview property. Mr. Fuda described his intention to construct an Internat   Action details Not available
16-A-006 2  DeputationDEPUTATIONS REGARDING MOTION 16-G-011, PARKING OPERATIONS - MARINA PARKING AREAS FOR 2016 (WARD 2) 1. JEAN-MARC MCCABE Mr. Jean-Marc McCabe on behalf of the Kempenfelt Bay Yacht Club provided a deputation in opposition to motion 16-G-011 concerning Parking Operations - Marina Parking Areas for 2016. Mr. McCabe provided details about the membership of the of the Yacht Club and marina including membership fees paid to the Marina in 2015, that all members are residents in the City of Barrie and that the members are responsible for the lift in/out of boats at the marina. Mr. McCabe detailed the annual activities of the members of the marina. Mr. McCabe advised that marina patrons are required to pay annual marina fees in January/February of each year and discussed the parking challenges experienced by the marina patrons including limited parking. He noted that he feels that the pay and display are not a viable solution for the marina patrons. Mr. McCabe discussed the fees and the rising cost of having a boat in the marina and noted that the majority of the boats in th   Action details Not available
16-A-007 1  Committee Report General Committee Report dated January 4, 2016, Sections A, B, C, D, E and F (APPENDIX “A”).   Action details Not available
16-G-001 2  Committee Report REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE DATED DECEMBER 14, 2015.   Action details Not available
16-G-003 2  Item of DiscussionINVESTIGATION OF A SERVICE DOG OFF LEASH AREA (WARD 8)   Action details Not available
16-G-004 2  Staff Report PROCEDURE FOR ONLINE COMMUNITY SUGGESTION FORUM   Action details Not available
16-G-005 2  Staff Report SPONSORSHIP STRATEGY   Action details Not available
16-G-006 2  Staff Report PUBLIC ART COMMITTEE BIKE RACK COMPETITION That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute an agreement with Jennifer Davis and Jon Saski related to the production of bicycle racks, generally in form attached as Appendix "A" to Staff Report DOC002-16 in accordance with the following terms and conditions: a) The bicycle racks to be located in the City of Barrie shall be constructed according to the specifications documented in Jennifer Davis and John Saski's winning design submission, presented November 23, 2015 to the Public Art Committee as part of the Artist Designed Bicycle Rack Competition attached as Appendix "D" to Staff Report DOC002-16; b) The full cost of the designed and manufactured racks not exceed $25,000.00; and c) The design, manufacture and installation of the bike racks to comply with all City of Barrie standards and protocols. (DOC002-16) (File: A09-PUB)   Action details Not available
16-G-008 2  Staff Report MUNICIPAL NAMING POLICY   Action details Not available
16-G-009 2  Staff Report ZONING BY-LAW 2009-141 ENCROACHMENT OF SUPPORT COLUMNS IN STRUCTURED PARKING SPACES   Action details Not available
16-G-011 2  Item of DiscussionPARKING OPERATIONS - MARINA PARKING AREAS FOR 2016 (WARD 2)   Action details Not available
16-G-012 4  Item of DiscussionSCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS   Action details Not available
16-G-013 3  Item of DiscussionCENTRAL ONTARIO MUSIC COUNCIL   Action details Not available
16-G-014 2  Staff Report SALE OF 625 WELHAM RD - CITY INDUSTRIAL LAND (WARD 8)   Action details Not available
16-G-016 2  Staff Report APPOINTMENT TO THE BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD   Action details Not available
16-G-011 2  Item of DiscussionPARKING OPERATIONS - MARINA PARKING AREAS FOR 2016 (WARD 2)   Action details Not available
16-A-008 1  Direct MotionWARNING SIGNS REGARDING NON-MAINTENANCE OF PARKS, HILLS OR TRAILS DURING WINTER MONTHS Moved by: Councillor A. Khan Seconded by: Mayor, J. Lehman 1. That staff in the Roads, Parks and Fleet Department arrange for the replacement of the existing signage regarding the non-maintenance of parks, hills and trails during winter months, as soon as possible with signage indicating as follows: “THE CITY OF BARRIE DOES NOT MAINTAIN PARKS, HILLS OR TRAILS DURING THE WINTER MONTHS, USERS ASSUME ALL RISK” 2. That the City’s website information be updated as soon as possible to reflect the revised wording. 3. That the cost associated with the replacement signage, estimated in the amount of $2,500.00 be funded from the Roads, Parks and Fleet operating budget.   Action details Not available
16-A-009 2  Presentation - AC/RCPRESENTATION BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE BARRIE POLICE SERVICES BOARD REGARDING THE BOARD’S PROPOSED 2016 BUDGET REQUEST Jim Dickie, Chair of the Barrie Police Service Board and Chief Greenwood and introduced members of the Barrie Police Services staff and the Barrie Police Services Board who were present in the audience. Chief Greenwood provided background associated with the preparation of the budget, including the original proposal of a 3.4% increase in September and Council’s direction to look at the increase and reduce it to 2.75. She noted that the Service’s request currently sits at 2.98% increase, due to unforeseen increases in benefits. Chief Greenwood detailed the guiding principles and key elements considered during the preparation of the Police Service Budget. She discussed slides concerning the following topics: · The goals associated with the Barrie Police Service 2014-2016 Strategic Plan; · The budget principles and requirements to review the Strategic Plan every 3 years; · The initiatives for 2015-2016; · The Service’s Human Resources strategy an   Action details Not available
16-A-010 2  Presentation - AC/RCPRESENTATION BY REPRESENTATIVES OF THE BARRIE PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD REGARDING THE BOARD’S PROPOSED 2016 BUDGET REQUEST Ray Duhamel, Chair of the Barrie Public Library Board of Trustees introduced the members of the Library Board are staff who were present and presented the Library Board’s proposed funding request for 2016. Mr. Duhamel discussed slides concerning following topics: · An overview of the Board’s municipal operating grant request; · The Budget Summary for 2016 and 2015; · The 2016 Strategic Priorities for the Library; · The Library programs, services and community highlights; · The current and proposed future branch locations; and · Graphs illustrating the value for service delivery provided by the Library. Members of City Council asked questions and received responses from the presenters and City staff.   Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2016-001 1  By-LawBill #001 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to designate a Community Improvement Project Area. (15-G-246) (Review of Existing Financial Incentives Programs) (PLN032-15) (File: D18-BUI) (P34/14, P38-14)   Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2016-002 1  By-LawBill #002 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to provide for an interim tax levy on all property classes in the City of Barrie. (13-G-316) (Interim Taxes) (FIN022-13) (File: F22)   Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2016-003 1  By-LawBill #003 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141 a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (16-G-009) (Zoning By-law 2009-141 Encroachment of Support Columns in Structured Parking Spaces) (PLN001-16) (Files: D14TE-STR and D14-1595)   Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2016-004 1  By-LawBill #004 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to appoint a Risk Management Official and Risk Management Inspector for the purpose of the Clean Water Act, 2006. (05-G-475 and 12-G-254) (Katie Thompson and Sherry Lynn Diemert) (CLK108-05 and ENG017-12) (Files: C06 and F11-SO)   Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2016-005 1  By-LawBill #005 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 11th day of January, 2016.   Action details Not available