Meeting Name: General Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/17/2016 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-G-219 1  Committee Report REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE DATED SEPTEMBER 28, 2016recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "A")  Action details Not available
16-G-220 1  Committee Report REPORT OF THE ORDER OF THE SPIRIT CATCHER COMMITTEE DATED SEPTEMBER 30, 2016recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "A")  Action details Not available
16-G-221 1  Staff Report REQUEST FOR BARRIE HYDRO HOLDINGS INC. LOAN GUARANTEE That the City of Barrie provide a loan guarantee to Barrie Hydro Holdings Inc. (BHHI) for an amount up to $24 Million, for a period not to exceed to ten (10) years. (FIN013-16) (File: F00)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
16-G-222 1  Staff Report PRE-SERVICING AGREEMENTS FOR DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONSrecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
16-G-223 1  Staff Report APPEAL OF OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS #44 AND #55 (WARD 8)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
16-G-224 1  Staff Report PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT TO REGULATE WASTE ENCLOSURES ON ALL NEW MULTI-UNIT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTSrecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
16-G-225 1  Item of DiscussionREQUEST TO BARRIE POLICE SERVICES BOARD REGARDING RE-BRANDING EXERCISErecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
16-G-226 1  Item of DiscussionINVESTIGATION - INSTALLATION OF LEVEL 2 EV CHARGING STATIONS AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, M. McCann Seconded by: Councillor, D. Shipley That motion 16-G-226 of Section “B” of the General Committee Report dated October 17, 2016 concerning the Investigation of the Installation of Level 2 EV Charging Stations be amended by adding the following new paragraphs and reordering the remaining paragraphs accordingly: “a) A comparison of the functionality and costs associated with three different levels of charging stations (home charging, Level 2 charging stations and faster Level 3 charging stations); b) The availability of grants or other financial assistance from Provincial and Federal levels of government in the short term and any details concerning longer term financial assistance;”recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
16-G-227 1  Item of DiscussionINVESTIGATION - APPROPRIATENESS OF REZONING VISTA PLACE SUBDIVISIONrecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
16-G-228 2  Staff Report GEORGIAN COLLEGE HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE CONTRIBUTION AGREEMENTrecommended for adoption (Section "C")  Action details Not available
16-G-229 1  Staff Report DEVELOPMENT CHARGE DEFERRAL REQUEST (WARD 8) Councillor, A. Khan declared a potential pecuniary interest with respect to the foregoing matter, as his brother-in-law is involved in the development of the subject property. He did not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter. He left his seat at the Council table.recommended for adoption (Section "D")  Action details Not available
16-G-230 2  Item of DiscussionLIVING WAGE CALCULATION FOR BARRIEReferred  Action details Not available
16-G-231 1  Staff Report CONFIDENTIAL DISCUSSION OF A PERSONAL INFORMATION MATTER - APPOINTMENT TO THE TOWN AND GOWN COMMITTEErecommended for adoption (Section "F")  Action details Not available
16-G-232 1  Staff Report APPOINTMENT TO TOWN AND GOWN COMMITTEE (LCS014-16) (FILE: C06)recommended for adoption (Section "G")  Action details Not available