Meeting Name: General Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/2/2019 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-G-352 3  Staff Report 2020 BUSINESS PLAN - OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Deputy Mayor B. Ward Seconded by: Councillor, K. Aylwin That motion 19-G-352 of Section “A” of the General Committee Report dated December 2, 2019, be amended by deleting paragraph 4a) and replacing it with the following: 4 a) That the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit levy request be reduced by $403,852, with a reduction to the net levy of $403,852. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AMENDMENT #2 Moved by: Councillor, S. Morales Seconded by: Councillor, M. McCann That motion 19-G-352 of Section “A” of the General Committee Report dated December 2, 2019, be amended in paragraph 1 l) by deleting $200,000 and replacing it with $100,000. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AMENDMENT #3 Moved by: Councillor, M. McCann Seconded by: Councillor, R. Thomson That motion 19-G-352 of Section “A” of the General Committee Report dated December 2, 2019, be amended by adding the following paragraph: That if the Provincial Government continues to download essential services to the City of Barrie and its Service Partners, staff report back to General Comrecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "A")  Action details Not available
19-G-353 1  Staff Report 2020 BUSINESS PLAN - OPERATING BUDGET - COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN INCREASE TO 2020 CONTRIBUTION Councillor, S. Morales declared a potential pecuniary interest as the foregoing matter could impact him personally in regards to possibly qualifying for the grants proposed in the Community Improvement Plan. He did not participate in the discussion or vote on the matter. He rolled back his seat from the Council table. AMENDMENT #1 Moved by Deputy Mayor, B. Ward Seconded by: Councillor, K. Aylwin That motion 19-G-353 of Section “B” of the General Committee Report dated December 2, 2019, be amended by deleting “$130,000 and replacing it with $330,000 AMENDMENT #1 was subsequently WITHDRAWN by Deputy Mayor, B. Ward. Upon the question of the original motion moved by Deputy Mayor, B. Ward and seconded by Councillor, K. Aylwin the motion was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
19-G-354 2  Staff Report 2020 CAPITAL BUDGET AND PLANS AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, S. Morales Seconded by: Councillor, J. Harris That motion 19-G-354 of Section “C” of the General Committee Report dated December 2, 2019, be amended in paragraph 1 j) as follows: By deleting paragraph j ii) and replacing it with the following: “1 j ii) That ENG1255 “Huronia Road New Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Road Replacement - Lockhart to McKay and EN1256 “McKay Road New Trunk Sanitary Sewer - Highway 400 to Huronia Road” be changed to City Build projects” and by adding the following as paragraph 1 j iii) and renumbering the remaining paragraphs accordingly; “1 j iii) That the Director of Engineering and the General Manager of Infrastructure and Growth Management be delegated authority to apportion Capital Project EN1257 “McKay Road ROW Expansion - Reid Drive to West of Highway 400” between a City Build or Developer Build project, as required; CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AMENDMENT #2 Moved by: Deputy Mayor, B. Ward Seconded by: Councillor, K. Aylwin That motion 19-G-354 of Section “C” of the General Committee Report recommended for adoption (Section "C")  Action details Not available
19-G-355 1  Staff Report 2020 CAPITAL BUDGET AND PLANS - 79 BELL FARM ROAD Councillor, G. Harvey declared that to remain in compliance with his statutory obligations under Section 17(3) of the Police Services Act he was unable to participate in the discussions or vote on the foregoing matter. He rolled back his seat from the Council table.recommended for adoption (Section "D")  Action details Not available
19-G-356 1  Staff Report 2020 BUSINESS PLAN - OPERATING BUDGET - BARRIE POLICE SERVICES BOARD Councillor, G. Harvey declared that to remain in compliance with his statutory obligations under Section 17(3) of the Police Services Act he was unable to participate in the discussions or vote on the foregoing matter. He rolled back his seat from the Council table. AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Mayor, J. Lehman Seconded by: Councillor, R. Thomson That motion 19-G-356 of Section “E” of the General Committee Report dated December 2, 2019, be amended By adding the following to paragraph 1 “_) That the budget request be increased by $45,000 to fund the Child Youth and Advocacy Centre of Simcoe Muskoka and the net levy be increased by $45,000.” CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Mayor J. Lehman left the Chair at 7:45 p.m. and Deputy Mayor, B, Ward assumed the Chair. Mayor J. Lehman reassumed the Chair at 7:54 p.m. Upon question of adoption of the original motion moved by Deputy Mayor, B. Ward and seconded by Councillor, K. Aylwin the motion was CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY AS AMENDED BY AMENDMENT #1 and the vote was taken as follows: Yes:recommended for adoption (Section "E")  Action details Not available