| 2 | | | Discussion Item | BUDGET AND TIMELINE
Dawn McAlpine, General Manager of Community and Corporate Services advised that the committee is being asked to review the plan and provide feedback on what needs to be updated. Ms. McAlpine advised that the deadline for the plan to be finalized is April 30, 2025. Ms. McAlpine informed the members that there is currently no budget for this committee and that Council would need to approve any expenditures. | Received | |
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Not available
| 2 | | | Discussion Item | RESULTS OF COMMITTEE SURVEY
Dawn McAlpine, General Manager of Community and Corporate Services discussed the 2024 Community Safety and Well-Being Committee survey results with the committee. Ms. McAlpine discussed that the reason behind the survey is to help the committee finalize the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan. She advised that the three main risk factors identified from the survey are:
1. Homelessness/Housing Insecurity/Lack of affordable housing;
2. Addictions/Opioid Crisis/Toxic drug supply; and
3. Mental Health
Ms. McAlpine discussed that the fourth main risk factor identified was insufficient and uncoordinated services. The committee agreed that this factor could be encompassed with the three main ones listed above. The committee discussed reaching out to other organizations within the community to get more involved in the survey. Members discussed about adding the County of Simcoe - Social Services Department and Barrie Area Native Advisory Circle as members on this committee to assist with the survey and plan moving forward.
The committee agreed that more engag | Received | |
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Not available
Moved by: Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson
Seconded by: Councillor, A. Courser
That motion 24-G-113 of Section “E” of the General Committee Report dated October 9, 2024, concerning the Budget Expenditure Approval to Hire Consultant be amended to replace paragraph 1 with the following:
1. That in light of the work completed by Avail Consulting with respect to the County of Simcoe Community Safety and Well-being Plan, the importance of ensuring compatibility with the County of Simcoe’s Planning, and notwithstanding the requirements of the Procurement By-law, Avail Consulting, be the consultant retained to support the review and revisions to Barrie’s Community Safety and Well-Being Plan at a cost not to exceed $125,000.
Councillor, AM. Kungl declared a non-pecuniary interest as there could be the perception of a bias with the consultant. She did not vote on the matter but remained in the Council Chambers.
Upon the question of the original motion moved by Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson and seconded by Councillor, A. Courser | recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B") | |
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Not available
| 1 | | | Recommendation | ADDITIONAL MEMBERSHIP(S) | recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B") | |
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Not available
| 2 | | | Discussion Item | MEETING SCHEDULE
Chair, G. Ferguson discussed the meeting schedule with members moving forward. Mr. Ferguson asked members if the current date and time worked, and committee members agreed. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday October 15, 2024, at 2pm. | Received | |
Action details
Not available