Meeting Name: General Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/8/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
SM 250108 2  Student/Mayor ItemCOMMENTS FROM OUTGOING STUDENT MAYOR Nyla Francis of Codrington Public School discussed her overall experience being part of the Student Mayor program. Nyla discussed her experience attending Council meetings and observing the discussion on certain matters. She discussed a deep appreciation for students to have the opportunity to learn about local government, leadership, and the importance of working together to provide a better future. Nyla thanked members of her family, friends, teachers and staff for their encouragement and support to participate in the Student Mayor program. Mayor A. Nuttall thanked Nyla for her time in serving the City of Barrie and presented her with a certificate commemorating her time as Student Mayor.   Action details Not available
25-G-001 2  Reports of Committees REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND RESPONSIBLE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE DATED DECEMBER 11, 2024recommended for receipt (Section "A")  Action details Not available
25-G-002 1  RecommendationINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE RESERVE FUNDrecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
25-G-003 1  RecommendationYOUTH AMBASSADOR/GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES PROGRAMSrecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
25-G-004 1  RecommendationYOUTH AMBASSADOR PROGRAMrecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
25-G-005 2  Staff Report Q3 TO Q4 2024 INTERNAL AUDIT STATUS UPDATErecommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
25-G-006 1  Staff Report ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION - 124, 180, AND 228 MCKAY ROAD (WARD 7)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
25-G-007 1  Staff Report ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION - 12 OTTAWAY AVENUE (WARD 2)recommended for consideration of adoption (Section "B")  Action details Not available
25-G-008 2  Referral ItemCORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING WARMING CENTRES AND HOMELESSNESSrecommended for adoption (Section "C")  Action details Not available