Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/14/2022 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chamber/Virtual
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
22-A-112 2  Confirmation of MinutesThe Minutes of the City Council meeting held on November 30, 2022 were adopted as printed and circulated.Adopted as printed and circulated  Action details Not available
22-A-113 2  Awards and RecognitionRECOGNITION OF THE WINNER OF THE 2022 MAYOR’S CHRISTMAS CARD CONTEST. Mayor, A. Nuttall recognized Enrique Bravo as the winner of the 2022 Mayor’s Christmas Card Contest for his submission entitled “Midnight Together”. Mayor Nuttall acknowledged Mr. Bravo as a Barrie Artist and advised that his artwork can be purchased throughout the City including the Artisan Boutique in downtown Barrie. Mayor Nuttall thanked Mr. Bravo for his submission that will be enjoyed by the City for the holiday season.Received  Action details Not available
22-A-114 2  Awards and RecognitionRECOGNITION OF THE BARRIE SOCCER CLUB, GIRLS U16 DISTRICT SOCCER TEAM ON WINNING THE PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONSHIP AT THE 2022 ONTARIO CUP FOR THE GIRLS U16 DISTRICT DIVISION. Mayor, A. Nuttall congratulated the Barrie Soccer Club, Girls U16 District Soccer Team on a successful season. Mayor, A. Nuttall and Coach Joe Pileggi presented certificates to the team in recognition of the team winning the 2022 Ontario Cup for the Girls U16 District Division.Received  Action details Not available
22-A-115 2  DeputationEmergency Deputation Request by Christy Inglis concerning motion 22-P-053, Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 129 Collier Street (Ward 2) Note: Majority Vote Required.Received  Action details Not available
22-A-116 2  Tax ApplicationMoved by: Deputy Mayor R. Thomson Seconded by: Councillor, J. Harris That the Application for Cancellation Reduction or Addition to Taxes to Council dated December 14, 2022 in the amount of $35,987.66, be approved.Adopted  Action details Not available
22-A-117 1  Committee Report CCPlanning Committee Report dated November 29, 2022, Sections A, B, C and D (APPENDIX “A”).   Action details Not available
22-P-044 2  Staff Report - PCZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION - 34, 36, 38, 40, 44 AND 50 BRADFORD STREET (HIP BARRIE CENTRAL INC.) (WARD 2)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-P-045 2  Staff Report - PCSITE PLAN CONTROL REQUIREMENTS FOR PROCESSING FOR 10, 14, 18, 20, 22 AND 24 GROVE STREET WEST (WARD 2)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-P-046 3  Public Meeting APPLICATIONS FOR AN OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - 70 AND 76 EDGEHILL DRIVE (WARD 4) (FILE: D30-023-2022) Councillor, S. Morales declared a potential pecuniary interest concerning the foregoing matter as one of the owners is a business partner. He did not participate or vote on the matter. He rolled his chair away from the Council table but remained in the Council Chambers.Received  Action details Not available
22-P-047 3  Public Meeting APPLICATION FOR A TEMPORARY USE BY-LAW - 164 INNISFIL STREET (WARD 2) (FILE: D30-024-2022)Received  Action details Not available
22-P-048 3  Presentation by Staff - PCPRESENTATION CONCERNING THE NEW COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAWReceived  Action details Not available
22-A-118 1  Committee Report CCGeneral Committee Report dated December 3, 2022, Sections A, B, C and D (SECTION “B”).   Action details Not available
22-G-170 2  Presentation - GCDEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR THE 2022-2026 TERM OF COUNCILReceived  Action details Not available
22-G-172 2  Presentation - GCCOUNCIL STRATEGIC PRIORITIES SESSION 2022-2026Received  Action details Not available
22-G-173 2  Staff Report 2022-2026 COUNCIL STRATEGIC PRIORITIES The recorded vote was taken as follows: Yes: 11 - Mayor, A. Nuttall Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Councillor, C. Riepma Councillor, C. Nixon Councillor, A.M. Kungl Councillor, A. Courser Councillor, N. Nigussie Councillor, G. Harvey Councillor, J. Harris Councillor, S. Morales Councillor, B. Hamilton No: 0 CARRIEDAdopted  Action details Not available
22-A-119 1  Committee Report CCPlanning Committee Report dated December 7, 2022, Sections A, B, C and D (APPENDIX “C”).   Action details Not available
22-P-049 2  Staff Report - PCTEMPORARY USE BY-LAW FOR 164 INNISFIL STREET (1911940 ONTARIO INC. - LIQUIDATION NATION) (WARD 2)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-P-050 2  Staff Report - PCOFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT 320 BAYFIELD STREET (WARD 4)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-P-051 2  Staff Report - PCZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT - 969, 979 AND 989 MAPLEVIEW DRIVE EAST (SANDY CREEK ESTATES INC.) (WARD 10)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-P-052 3  Staff Report - PCIMPLEMENTATION OF BILL 109, MORE HOMES FOR EVERYONE ACT, 2022 AMENDMENT #1 Moved by: Councillor, C. Nixon Seconded by: Councillor, J. Harris That motion 22-P-052 of Section “C” of the Planning Committee Report dated December 7, 2022, as circulated, be amended to add the following paragraph: “X” That staff in Development Services report back to the Affordability Committee at the time those regulations associated with Bills 23 and 109 are passed to advise if our process is in alignment with them or requires adjusting. CARRIED Upon question of the original motion moved by Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson and Seconded by Councillor J. Harris, the motion was CARRIED AS AMENDED BY AMENDMENT #1.Adopted  Action details Not available
22-P-053 3  Staff Report - PCZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION - 129 COLLIER STREET (WARD 2)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-A-120 1  Committee Report CCGeneral Committee Report dated December 7, 2022, Sections A, B, C, D and E (APPENDIX “D”).   Action details Not available
22-G-174 2  Staff Report COUNTRY LANE NO PARKING ANYTIME (WARD 9)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-G-175 2  Staff Report SURPLUSSING OF CITY OWNED PROPERTY - 145 LOON AVENUE (WARD 9)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-G-176 3  Item of Discussion2022 COMMUNITY DONATION - HONEYFIELD COMMUNITIES INC.Adopted  Action details Not available
22-G-177 3  Item of DiscussionPENDING LIST UPDATEAdopted  Action details Not available
22-G-178 3  Item of DiscussionDOWNTOWN BARRIE BUSINESS ASSOCIATION (BIA) BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPOINTMENTSAdopted  Action details Not available
22-G-179 3  Presentation - GCPRESENTATION CONCERNING THE 101 ON CORPORATE ASSET MANAGEMENTReceived  Action details Not available
22-G-180 2  Staff Report EXPROPRIATION - YONGE STREET ROW EXPANSION - MAPLEVIEW TO LOCKHART (WARD 9)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-G-181 3  Staff Report PROCEDURAL BY-LAW CHANGESAdopted  Action details Not available
22-G-182 2  Referred ItemCORRESPONDENCE FROM CIRCULATION LIST DATED DECEMBER 7, 2022 REGARDING BILL 23 That the correspondence from Cathy Colebatch and Barbara Mackie, Co-chairs of the Allandale Neighbourhood Association regarding the Allandale Neighbourhood Association comments concerning Bill 23 from the December 7, 2022 Circulation List, be referred to the Affordability Committee or the appropriate reference Committee once established for consideration and discussion. (C3 listed on Circulation List dated December 7, 2022)Adopted  Action details Not available
22-A-121 1  Committee Report CCGeneral Committee Report dated December 14, 2022, Sections A and B (APPENDIX “E”).   Action details Not available
22-G-183 3  Item of DiscussionCITY OF BARRIE LOBBYIST REGISTRYAdopted  Action details Not available
22-G-184 3  Staff Report STRUCTURE OF COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL AND PROCEDURAL BY-LAW UPDATESAdopted  Action details Not available
22-A-122 1  Direct MotionMOTION WITHOUT NOTICE - CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WARDEN AND DEPUTY WARDEN FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE Moved by: Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Seconded by: Mayor, A. Nuttall That pursuant to Section 7.1 of the Procedural By-law 2019-100, permission be granted to introduce a motion without notice concerning the congratulations to the Warden and Deputy Warden for the County of Simcoe.Adopted  Action details Not available
22-A-123 1  Direct MotionCONGRATULATIONS TO THE WARDEN AND DEPUTY WARDEN FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE Moved by: Deputy Mayor, R. Thomson Seconded by: Mayor, A. Nuttall That the City of Barrie extends congratulations to Mayor Basil Clarke of the Town of Ramara on being elected as the new County of Simcoe Warden and to Mayor Jennifer Coughlin of Springwater Township on being elected as the Simcoe County Deputy Warden.Adopted  Action details Not available
22-A-124 1  Presentation - CCPRESENTATION FROM THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE CONCERNING THE PROPERTY OF 20 ROSE STREET Greg Bishop, General Manager, Social and Community Services and Wendy Hembruff, Director of Community Programs from the County of Simcoe provided a presentation concerning the property of 20 Rose Street. Mr. Bishop and Ms. Hembruff discuss slides concerning the following topics: · The responsibilities of the County of Simcoe as Service System Manager; · The County’s funded homelessness prevention and support programs; · A summary of the COVID-19 Temporary Motel Shelter Model between March 2020 to July 2022; · The County’s approach to creating additional shelter spaces at regular and temporary facilities and the shelter capacity in Barrie; · The intended purpose of the property at 20 Rose Street and the interim model of a Temporary Shelter Facility; · The Temporary Shelter Facility building, capacity, onsite security and the Busby Centre as operators of the facility; · The Drop-in Day Services available in Barrie to connect individuals with appropriate supports and services; · Examples of the partneReceived  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-118 1  By-lawBill #118 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to provide for an interim tax levy on all property classes in the City of Barrie. (13-G-316) (2023 Interim Tax Billing)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-119 1  By-lawBill #119 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (22-P-049) (Temporary Use By-law - 1911940 Ontario Inc. - Liquidation Nation, 164 Innisfil Street) (DEV036-22) (Ward 2) (File: D30-024-2022) (Note: Motion 22-P-049 listed on the Planning Committee Report dated December 7, 2022)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-120 1  By-lawBill #120 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (22-P-044) (Zoning By-law Amendment Application - 34, 36, 38, 40, 44 and 50 Bradford Street, HIP Barrie Central Inc.) (Ward 2) (File D30-006-2022) (Note: Motion 22-P-044 listed on Planning Committee Report dated November 30, 2022)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-121 1  By-lawBill #121 A By-law of the Corporation of the City of Barrie to adopt an amendment to the Official Plan (OPA No. 84) (22-P-050) (Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment 320 Bayfield Street) (Ward 4) (DEV037-22) (File: D30-007-2022) (Note: Motion 22-P-050 listed on Planning Committee Report dated December 7, 2022)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-122 1  By-lawBill #122 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie.(22-P-050) (Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment - 320 Bayfield Street) (Ward 4) (DEV037-22) (File: D30-007-2022) (Note: Motion 22-P-050 listed on Planning Committee Report dated December 7, 2022)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-123 1  By-lawBill #123 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend Town of Innisfil By-law 054-04, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures formerly in the Town of Innisfil, now in the City of Barrie.(22-P-051) (Zoning By-law Amendment - 969, 979 and 989 Mapleview Drive East) (Sandy Creek Estates Inc.) (Ward 10) (DEV034-22) (File: D30-001-2022) (Note: Motion 22-P-051 listed on Planning Committee Report dated December 7, 2022)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-124 1  By-lawBill #124 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend By-law 2009-141, a land use control by-law to regulate the use of land, and the erection, use, bulk, height, location and spacing of buildings and structures in the City of Barrie. (22-P-053) (Zoning By-law Amendment Application - 129 Collier Street) (Ward 2) (DEV038-22) (File: D30-005-2022) (Note: Motion 22-P-053 listed on Planning Committee Report dated December 7, 2022)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-125 1  By-lawBill #125 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to further amend By-law 2020-107, as amended, being a By-law to regulate traffic on highways. (22-G-174) (Country Lane No Parking Anytime) (Ward 6) (DEV029-22) (Note: Motion 22-G-174 listed on the General Committee Report dated December 7, 2022)Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-126 1  By-lawBill #126 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to permanently close the soil and freehold described as Part James Street Registered Plan 31 designated as Part 1 Plan 51R-32355 (Being Part of PIN 58817-0423 (LT)) (the “Lands”). (16-G-037) (Surplus of Downtown Parking Lots - James Street) (Ward 2) (BDD002-16) (File: L17-93Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available
BY-LAW 2022-127 1  By-lawBill #127 A By-law of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meeting held on the 14th day of December, 2022.Read a First, Second and third time and finally passed  Action details Not available